Chapter 24 - Pretending...

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When his uncle wrote to him that he was waiting for him outside the gate, Yibo hurriedly made his way there. He knows that his uncle hates nothing more than wasting time. And standing outside waiting was a waste of time. So Yibo hurried. Especially because he wanted to ask his uncle for a favor and not upset him right away.

Arriving at the gate, his uncle greeted him with a firm handshake and Yibo then joined him in the car. They drove to his uncle's house and only when the two had arrived there and they had entered the bug-proof room in the basement of his uncle's house, he wanted to know from Yibo what kind of order it was that Yibo wanted to give him.

Yibo had been thinking about what and how he wanted to tell his uncle for the past two hours. But now that he was sitting across from him and saw his stern expression, he forgot the words and just babbled away. "So my boyfriend, oh no, now ex boyfriend..."

"Wait. You're gay?" His uncle interrupted him.

"I um... yeah. I hope that's not a problem for you."

"No, it's not for me. But you'd better keep it a secret from your parents. My little brother might still be able to accept it. But knowing your mother and her beliefs, I don't think she can or will put up with it."

"Dad knows. He noticed right away when he came to visit me at university. Mom, well, since she barely survived the attack, she's been even more wacky than usual. I better not tell her. I have a hard time figuring her out right now, and I don't know how far she'd go to "cure" me of being gay."

"Okay, then that's settled. I just interrupted you. Please keep talking."

"Yeah okay. So my ex boyfriend, we were just secretly dating, and his brother seem to work for some organization in my opinion. He has a lot of secrets and had to lie to me about it all the time. I know they are after one of the students who is in my year."

"And now you want to know why?"

"I want to know who he works for and what their mission is."

"I can help you. But you should know, if he works for a government organization, I can't give you any information about it."

"Mn, I already suspected that. I'm also more interested in knowing if he works for the government or gangsters. And I want to know why they've been after this student for the past year."

"Fine, I will be happy to try to get the information for you. First, give me the names of your ex-boyfriend and his brother."

"My ex-boyfriend's name is Xiao Zhan. I assume that is his real name. His brother's name is Xiao Cheng."

"Mn, okay. And what is the student's name?"

"Her name is Alessia Milan and she is from ..."


"Yes. Did you guess that from the name?"


"Then how did you know?"

"Because her dad's name is Gino Milan, and he's the boss of an Italian mafia who have their fingers in everything all over the world. And I suppose she doesn't like you very much?"

"Mafia?" Yibo asked, gulping.

"Yeah. So? How do you and that Alessia Milan feel about each other now?"

"That bitch hates me and has threatened me several times."

"Wow. Then it's no wonder your boyfriend, yes I know, ex boyfriend, didn't tell you and lied to you. Because that's the only way he can protect you from her. And at the same time he can continue his investigation. If the organization he works for would find out that he is with you, they would immediately take him off the case and put him somewhere else."

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