Chapter 44 - Joy

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As the two sat in the car, Zhan asked, "What do you think of Agent Xian?"

Yibo looked at him questioningly and wanted to know, "Why are you asking me that? It's obvious, isn't it? I don't trust her. I think she has more secrets than she should. Don't you think so?"

"Mn. I see it the same way you do. I watched her earlier when the politician declared he had poisoned the champagne. She did what any agent would do in our country. She took her little round pillbox out of her purse and took a red pill. But she took it secretly, pretending that her life was still in danger."

"Red pill? For what?"

Zhan took out a small blue round tin from the inside pocket of his jacket and told Yibo to open it. Yibo did so and saw there, three green pills, three oranges and three red pills. "These are the pills every agent has with us. The green pills are for known mild poisonings. The orange ones are for stronger poisons. And the red pills are for strong and unknown poisons of any kind. So it's an antidote."

"I see. And she took a red pill, so she's not in any danger of dying at all?"

"Correct. But then why is she still pretending to be poisoned? I set a trap for her and told her that she was also poisoned and better stay there. She didn't say she was taking the antidote and immediately agreed. I just don't know why she lied."

"Mhhh, I don't know that either. But let's change the subject. Do you trust He Peng?"

"No, of course not."

"But then why did you free him too?"

"Because I don't trust him doesn't mean he's innocent. I suspect he was dragged into the whole thing. There were no names on the invitation cards. So I'm assuming someone gave him the invitation to the party to distract from himself and make him a scapegoat."

"The CEO of the company he works for?"

"Mn. And I think we should call headquarters now and get some information from Wong Chang."

"Okay. I'll dial." Replied Yibo.

After the second ring, someone answered the phone at headquarters. "Agent Xiao. What can I help you with?" Asked the man.

Zhan explained to him what had happened that evening and where they were currently headed. "I want a background check on Wong Chang." He said.

The sound of typing on a keyboard could be clearly heard. Shortly after, the agent on the phone explained, "Wong Chang, married to Wong Gina. It is the second marriage of the two and it has been going on for a year. The two have a daughter, Wong Anna. She is the stepdaughter of Wong Chang. He also has a son with whom he has regular contact. His name is Huang Hu. His ex-wife's name is Huang Yen. They took the name of his mother's new husband. Wong Chang is a successful businessman. Although his company is very small, with about 30 employees, the business is doing very well. Wong Gina is active in her husband's company as a consultant. Um, about their finances. Mhhh, that's strange."

"What's strange?" Asked Zhan.

"Although the company is doing well, they've been having money problems lately. The taxes on their land for the company and their house, have increased drastically. In addition, they are really bombarded with fines for all kinds of things. It seems to me that someone is targeting the Wong's."

"So someone is practically trying to persuade them to do something by making their lives miserable?" Asked Yibo.

"Yeah, looks like it."

"And what about their son?" Wanted to know Zhan.

"Oh that's interesting too. Apparently he attends the same boarding school where your target's son was. Hold on, I'll take a look at the files." Silence and typing noises followed for two minutes, then the agent continued, "So it looks like the target's son and Huang Hu weren't exactly friends. The student files say that Huang Hu was often bullied by your target's son. It was so bad that they wanted to expel him from the boarding school. But then he had to leave the boarding school after the politician could no longer pay for the place in the boarding school. Apparently, the politician's wife complained and demanded that Huang Hu also leave the boarding school. It doesn't say why, though."

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