Chapter 23 - Against the Rules

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Silently, Yibo and Youn waited for the cab Zhan had ordered, and silently they drove back to the campus. It wasn't until they got there, with the protective walls of their university around them, that Youn turned to Yibo and asked, "What do you think Zhan will do with us now?"

Yibo, who was far too confused to think and far too scared of what Zhan might do to him, shrugged and replied, "I don't know. I guess it depends on who he works for."

"Mhhh, I'm really glad right now that I don't have to share a room with him like you do."

"Oh great. So you don't care what he does to me?"

"I didn't say that. But you're the one he loves and I'm sure he would never hurt you."

"I'm not even really sure about that right now. We were spying on him and got caught hiding in a garbage container."

"Like I said, I don't think he would hurt you. At least not here at the university. I'm going to go upstairs to my room now. Seoki is probably wondering where I am by now."

"Mn. Feel free to leave me alone."

"I'm sorry Yibo. I don't know what else we can do right now. Zhan is not here yet and I can only repeat myself, he will not hurt you. He loves you and even saved us. So don't worry about it. Talk to him later and explain why we followed him."


"Are you coming upstairs?"

"No, I'm going to stay outside in the fresh air for a bit. Maybe it will help calm me down."

"Don't stay out too long. It's pretty cold today and we don't want you to get sick like you did last year."

"Don't worry. I'll take care of myself."

"Okay. I'll see you later then Bo."

"Mn. See you later." Replied Yibo and waited until Youn had left. Then he called his big brother and asked him if he could pick him up. He really needed to talk to him and besides, he would feel safer with his brother than alone in his room.

His brother picked him up from campus half an hour later and they drove to his brother's apartment. Yibo didn't even have to say that something was bothering him, because Haikuan had noticed it long ago and asked Yibo several times to finally tell him what had happened. And finally Yibo told him everything that had happened in the last weeks and that morning.

Haikuan looked at Yibo questioningly and shocked at the same time. "You mean Zhan and my Cheng are in some organization?" He asked.

Yibo nodded. "Yes, they went there together."

"I can't imagine that at all. My Cheng? My angel?"

"Your angel? I would have many descriptions for Cheng. But angel is not one of them."

"You don't know him like I do either."

"And you don't know him like I do brother. Cheng can be pretty moody."

"That may be so. But he's always an angel with me."

"Anyway. In any case, he and Zhan are in this together."

"But what is this thing?"

"I have no idea. We got caught before we could find out more."

"So Zhan caught you guys and now you're afraid to face him? And you think if you're with me, you can avoid what might be an awkward conversation?"

"Yes. Besides, I don't know what he's going to do to me."

"Running away is not the answer. I think you need to face it. Explain to him why you did what you did. And honestly, I don't think he'd save your life first and then do anything to you. Neither your Zhan nor my Cheng are like that. Trust in your boyfriend's love."

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