5. Tsukikage

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Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Kageyama Tobio

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Brief mention of loss

Time: Tsukishima's 3rd year / Kageyama's 3rd year

Song: King of My Heart [by Taylor Swift]

Notes: None

*In Tsukishima and Kageyama's private messages*

Tsukishima: I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own

Kageyama: no, you live with your brother and mother

Tsukishima: I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone

Kageyama: oh

Kageyama: are you breaking up with me?

Tsukishima: NO

Kageyama: ok

Tsukishima: We met a few weeks ago

Kageyama: we met 3 years ago?

Tsukishima: Prove to me I'm your Japanese Queen

Kageyama: would you like to be called queen?

Kageyama: i could do that

Kageyama: if you want me to ofc

Tsukishima: honestly yeah

Kageyama: noted ✍

Tsukishima: And we rule the kingdom inside my room

Kageyama: are you talking about the time we played with your toy dinosaurs and built a kingdom?

Tsukishima: And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for

Kageyama: i am?

Tsukishima: King of my heart, body and soul

Kageyama: can you call me that from now on?

Kageyama: i like it :)

Tsukishima: ofc i can, king of my heart <3

Tsukishima: ooh whoa

Kageyama: wait

Kageyama: is this taylor???

Tsukishima: yup

Tsukishima: i've never seen you listen her songs, kinda surprised you know her tbh 

Kageyama: well

Kageyama: my senpai in middle school was obsessed with her

Tsukishima: iwaizumi?

Kageyama: yh

Tsukishima: he looks like a swiftie /neg

Kageyama: haha yeah he does 

Tsukishima: And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go

Kageyama: Queen of my heart, body and soul, ooh who

Tsukishima: WAIT

Tsukishima: THAT'S NOT FAIR

Kageyama: you're blushing, aren't you :) 

Tsukishima: STOPPPPPP

Kageyama: awww

Kageyama: ik these aren't the next lyrics, but...

Kageyama: Change my priorities, the taste of your lips is my idea of luxury

Tsukishima: Is the end of all the endings?

i love you

Tsukishima: i love you too

Kageyama: why'd you decide to do this suddenly?

Tsukishima: you seemed sad today :/

Tsukishima: wanted to cheer you up a little

Kageyama: thank you, my queen :)

Tsukishima: sajkdaskd

Tsukishima: seriously though, are you ok?

Kageyama: yeah i'm fine

Kageyama: it's just that my grandfather passed away a few years ago today

Kageyama: it's his death anniversary

Tsukishima: oh tobi

Tsukishima: i'm so sorry

Tsukishima: do you want me to come over?

Kageyama: i don't want to bother you

Tsukishima: nonsense

Tsukishima: if you want me to come, i'll be there in an instant 

Tsukishima: i don't have to if you want to be alone rn

Tsukishima: i just want to make sure you're ok :)

Kageyama: thank you, kei

Kageyama: i could actually really use some company

Tsukishima: omw

Kageyama: ty <3

Tsukishima: always <3

*Tsukishima is offline*


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