90. Yamafuku

151 4 2

Main pairing: Shouhei Fukunaga x Yamamato Taketora

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Fukunaga's 2nd year / Yamamato 2nd year

Song: Touch Tank [by quinnie]

Notes: None

*In Yamamato and Fukunaga's private messages*

Fukunaga: Cancel the hot hipster threesome for you

Yamamato: what.

Fukunaga: 'Cause I preach a freedom, but you're a fucking great excuse

Yamamato: what.

Fukunaga: Plus I'd rather get naked and swim in your blow-up pool and dry our dolphin bodies off and question your tattoos

Yamamato: that

Yamamato: we agreed not to talk about that

Fukunaga: 'Cause you're so pretty when you go down on me

Yamamato: shut up

Fukunaga: Gold-skinned eager baby, blue shirt out the laundry

Yamamato: we agreed that whatever happened was a mistake

Yamamato: we're just friends, fukunaga.

Fukunaga: You told me that you're gentle when you want to be so I think you want to be gentle with me

Yamamato: no. i don't. i told you that i'm only gentle to the person i'm in love with.

Fukunaga: You took my breath away, so now I can't suck in my stomach around you anymore

Yamamato: I'm glad that you feel comfortable around me :)

Yamamato: Fuck I was going to delete that before I sent it

Yamamato: but please, let's not talk about this, yeah?

Yamamato: let's talk about um

Yamamato: soccer

Fukunaga: When we're too old to live with our parents, do you wanna wake up to me every morning?

Yamamato: no wtf

Yamamato: that's gay.

Fukunaga: i give up.

Fukunaga: i don't know what we are, but I miss what we were.

Fukunaga: I suppose that means nothing to you, huh, tora?

Haikyuu Text Messages pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now