77. Akaken

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Main pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Kozume Kenma

Other pairing(s): [Future implied] Kuroken (Kozume Kenma x Kuroo Tetsurou)

Warnings: None

Time: Akaashi's 2nd year / Kenma's 2nd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Kenma and Akaashi's private messages*

Akaashi: you love him, don't you?

Kenma: who?

Akaashi: kuroo

Akaashi: you love him, don't you?

Kenma: keiji

Akaashi: if so, what the actual fuck are you doing with me

Akaashi: bo-san told me that you used me to make kuroo jealous

Akaashi: i didn't want to believe it, but it's true, isn't it?

Akaashi: you never loved me

Akaashi: you loved him.

Akaashi: you USED me to get to him

Akaashi: fuck

Akaashi: i feel like such an idiot

Akaashi: i should've known

Akaashi: i should've known when i realised that you only touch me when we're in kuroo's line of sight

Akaashi: when i noticed how you talk about kuroo in every single fucking conversation of ours

Akaashi: fuck

Akaashi: was i just a stepping stone for you to use to get to him


Kenma: i'm sorry

Akaashi: sorry?

Akaashi: you're sorry?

Akaashi: fuck you.

Akaashi: i fucking hate you.

*Akaashi blocked Kenma*

*In Bokuto and Akaashi's private messages*

Akaashi: you were right, bo-san

Akaashi: he only used me to get to kuroo

Bokuto: oh darling i'm so sorry

Bokuto: i just want you to be happy

Bokuto: don't worry, someone better will come along eventually

Akaashi: i feel like shit

Bokuto: i can't even imagine what it might feel like

Bokuto: do you want to come over and talk about it?

Akaashi: that would be nice

Akaashi: but i don't mean to trouble you, bo-san

Akaashi: it's ok, i can manage.

Bokuto: nonsense

Bokuto: come over :)

Akaashi: thank you :)

Bokuto: anytime <3

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