27. Kinkuni

253 13 8

Main pairing: Kindaichi Yūtarō x Kunimi Akira

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Implied (bad) mental health/suicide

Time: Kunimi's 2nd year / Kindaichi's 2nd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Kunimi and Kindaichi's private messages*

Kindaichi: hey aki

Kunimi: hi love

Kunimi: is everything alright?

Kindaichi: yeah lmao

Kindaichi: i was just bored

Kunimi: oh ok

Kindaichi: what're you up to :)

Kunimi: oh i was just writing

Kindaichi: oooh

Kindaichi: can i see some of it?

Kunimi: uh sure

Kunimi: At first, I just went to the cliff because I wanted to learn more about it. I wondered what it would feel like to fall off of it. I looked down into the abyss and the view scared me.

Kunimi: The people laying there, lifeless, petrified me. Some of their faces were devoid of hope while some looked relieved that they had fallen. But some of them looked hopeful. As if they had been trying to climb back up, but slipped. The thought of that happening to me terrified me, so I backed up.

Kunimi: But I could already feel the people at the bottom of the cliff calling my name, luring me in. I could feel that I was walking forward, to jump, but I couldn't stop my feet from moving.

Kunimi: When I finally came to my senses, I was already standing on the edge. But it was too late. The ground slipped from my feet, and I managed to hold the edge of the cliff at the last minute, with just one finger.

Kunimi: Even now, I'm hanging from that cliff. Sometimes, I manage to hold it with both hands, and it fills me with hope. I imagine climbing on the cliff and be done with it, but then, when I try to move, I lose my grip and hang on by just one hand again.

Kunimi: Then, I rinse and repeat.

Kindaichi: i

Kindaichi: wow

Kindaichi: did you really write this

Kunimi: is it bad?

Kindaichi: no!!

Kindaichi: it's good

Kindaichi: too good even [not me praising my own work 😕]

Kindaichi: i sense that there's a deeper meaning to this than just fiction

Kindaichi: i'm gonna guess that this is actually about

Kindaichi: your mental health?

Kunimi: yup

Kindaichi: aw baby

Kunimi: stop pitying me

Kindaichi: i'm not pitying you

Kindaichi: i'm just gald that you're expressing yourself in some way

Kunimi: gald lol

Kindaichi: ok, fine i'll change the subject

Kunimi: ??

Kindaichi: you make fun of mistakes or laugh at things you don't normally laugh when you're uncomfortable so i make intentional spelling mistakes in some of my messages to decide whether to leave it alone or not

Kunimi: oh

Kunimi: do i really?

Kindaichi: yup 👍

Kunimi: i'll keep it in mind 👍

Kindaichi: just one thing i don't really understand is

Kindaichi: what exactly is the cliff?

Kindaichi: "At first, I just went to the cliff because I wanted to learn more about it."

Kunimi: oh it's psychology/mental health

Kunimi: i don't exactly know it myself

Kunimi: but yeah

Kunimi: probably something roaming around those phrases

Kindaichi: alright 👍

Kindaichi: thank you for sharing this with me <3

Kindaichi: ik that you don't let ppl read your writing

Kunimi: it feels too personal

Kunimi: when ppl read what i write, they just assume that they are the key to learning me

Kunimi: but how could that be true

Kunimi: when even i don't fully know myself

Kunimi: human beings are too intricate to be known fully and wholly

Kindaichi: yeah  

Kunimi: but you don't do that

Kunimi: no matter how much of myself i share, you always assume there's more

Kunimi: and there is

Kunimi: some of which even i don't know

Kunimi: and i love you for that

Kindaichi: i love you too <3

Kunimi: <3

Haikyuu Text Messages pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now