11. Tsukkikageyamahina

607 22 7

Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Kageyama Tobio x Yamaguchi Tadashi x Hinata Shoyou

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Slight manga spoilers

Time: Tsukishima's 3rd year / Kageyama's 3rd / Yamaguchi's 3rd year / Hinata's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: None


*Participants: Yamaguchi, Hinata, Tsukishima, Kageyama*

Yamaguchi: why is there a lump of hair on the gym floor

Yamaguchi: is that tobi's hair?

Hinata: YUP

Hinata: i cut his hair !!

Tsukishima: what have you done to our dear boyfriend

Yamaguchi: omg is tobi ok?

Hinata: haha.

Kageyama: i think it looks pretty good


Tsukishima: 👀

*Hinata sent one attachment*

*Hinata sent one attachment*

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Tsukishima: holy shit 

Yamaguchi: my nose is gonna start bleeding frfr

Kageyama: look at yourselves omg

*Kageyama sent 2 attachments*

*Kageyama sent 2 attachments*

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Hinata: goddamn 🤤

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Hinata: goddamn 🤤

Tsukishima: as if you aren't the hottest out of all of us

*Tsukishima sent one attachment*

*Tsukishima sent one attachment*

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Kageyama: 🛐🛐

Yamaguchi: ^ agreed

Yamaguchi: tobi and sho come here and get this hair out of our gym

Yamaguchi: we don't want to swallow tobi's hair whilst playing vb

Hinata: yes captain

Kageyama: aye aye captain

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