84. Kuroaka

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Main pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Kuroo Tetsuro

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Kuroo's 3rd year / Akaashi's 2nd year

Song: None

Notes: Questioning aro Kuroo / Bittersweet angst / Bcs I can't ever hurt them :( 


*In Kuroo and Akaashi's private messages*

Kuroo: we need to break up

Akaashi: what why

Kuroo: because i don't love you romantically

Akaashi: ah

Akaashi: ok

Akaashi: should have seen it coming

Kuroo: why

Akaashi: because i'm unlovable, of course

Akaashi: why else?

Kuroo: keiji..

Akaashi: don't call me that.

Kuroo: i'm sorry

Kuroo: look.

Kuroo: this has nothing to do with you, ok?

Kuroo: it's on me, cause i'm a fucking asshole.

Kuroo: and i'm sorry, ok?

Kuroo: you can hate me all you want

Kuroo: but please don't hate yourself

Kuroo: please?

Akaashi: it's not that easy

Akaashi: you know that

Kuroo: i do

Kuroo: but i want you to know that you're not unlovable

Kuroo: you will find someone

Kuroo: someone much better than me

Kuroo: that will treat you as you should be treated

Akaashi: i thought that someone would be you

Kuroo: i know, darling

Kuroo: i'm truly sorry

Kuroo: but i didn't want to fool you

Akaashi: can you at least tell me why?

Kuroo: i'm not sure exactly, but i think i might be aro

Akaashi: oh

Kuroo: i love you but not romantically.

Kuroo: just platonic attraction

Akaashi: that actually makes sense

Akaashi: i hope you find yourself, kuroo.

Akaashi: i wish you the best.

Akaashi: goodbye.

Kuroo: goodbye, akaashi

i like to imagine that minutes after their dramatic goodbyes one of them texted a idiotic meme and they continued to live their lives as best friends (its pride month, have yourselves a little treat <3)

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