78. Tsukikageyamahina

212 8 4

Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Kageyama Tobio x Yamaguchi Tadashi x Hinata Shoyou

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Tsukishima's 3rd year / Kageyama's 3rd / Yamaguchi's 3rd year / Hinata's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: Aromantic Kageyama / It's bittersweet, I couldn't bring myself to write heavy angst for them / ALSO SORRY I FORGOT TO POST FOR A FEW DAYS MY GFS BEEN SICK SO IVE BEEN TAKING CARE OF HER AND IT JUST SLIPPED MY MIND 


-Participants: Yamaguchi, Hinata, Tsukishima, Kageyama-

Kageyama: hey

Yamaguchi: hey tobs what's up?

Kageyama: we have smth important we have to tell you two

Tsukishima: is everything alright my king?

Hinata: yeah

Yamaguchi: what happened?

Hinata: tobi and i broke up

Yamaguchi: what??

Tsukishima: why??

Kageyama: actually we need to break up too

Yamaguchi: WHAT??

Tsukishima: WHY??

Kageyama: um... i'm aro

Yamaguchi: oh

Kageyama: i realised it about a week ago but i

Kageyama: i couldn't tell you guys

Kageyama: and i know you three love me romantically

Kageyama: but i can't

Kageyama: so it would be unfair for you

Kageyama: and i understand if you don't want to see me anymore

Kageyama: but i would like to be in queer platonic relationships with you

Kageyama: if you want that too

Kageyama: i already asked sho and he said yes

Kageyama: but there's no pressure on you

Kageyama: it's fine if you don't

Kageyama: i just value you too much

Kageyama: and i don't want to loose you

Kageyama: but i don't just want to be regular friends

Kageyama: and fuck

Kageyama: i'm sorry

Kageyama: i rambled again lol

Kageyama: just please, think about it, ok?

*Kageyama is offline*

Yamaguchi: tobsss

Tsukishima: come back king

*Kageyama is online*

Tsukishima: you absolute fucking idiot

Kageyama: i'm sorry

Tsukishima: my king, i would be honored to be in a qpr with you

Yamaguchi: me too!!

Kageyama: wait really?  

Yamaguchi: ofc we want to be in a qpr with you, love

Yamaguchi: wait shit sorry can i still use pet names?

Yamaguchi: does it bother you?

Kageyama: no, i actually quite like the pet names you guys give me :)

Tsukishima: that's good to hear, love

Kageyama: will it be too complicated?

Yamaguchi: not in the slightest my dear :)

Tsukishima: yeah

Tsukishima: if even sunshine can understand it, it's not complicated in the slightest

Hinata: stfu bitch

Tsukishima: no <3

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