96. Bokuaka

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Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Bullying

Time: Bokuto's 3rd year / Akaashi's 2nd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*Private messages between Bokuto and Akaashi*

Bokuto: hi my love

Akaashi: hi bo

Bokuto: have you eaten yet?

Akaashi: not yet

Bokuto: i can get you some food if you want

Akaashi: i don't wanna eat

Bokuto: ok love maybe not yet but please eat, ok?

Akaashi: i'll try

Akaashi: also i'm sorry but i don't think i can come over today

Akaashi: i'm rlly rlly sorry bo

Bokuto: sweetheart it's completely alright

Bokuto: don't even apologise for that

Akaashi: thank you

Bokuto: i'm here if you want to talk about it, alright?

Akaashi: thanks

Bokuto: my pleasure <3

*5 hours later*

Akaashi: hey bo

Akaashi: what are you doing

Bokuto: nothing much

Bokuto: i was ab to go to bed

Bokuto: cause i'm a bit tired

Bokuto: wbu

Bokuto: have you eaten?

Akaashi: i ate some soup, don't think my stomach can handle much

Bokuto: aw i'm sorry to hear that love

Bokuto: do you want to share what happened today ml?

Bokuto: no pressure, ofc

Bokuto: you seemed fine in the morning and at lunch, so i'm guessing something happened before our evening practice?

Bokuto: you can talk to me about it if you want to

Bokuto: again, no pressure

Akaashi: i want to talk about it

Akaashi: but you said you were tired

Bokuto: dumbass

Bokuto: i can stay up for you

Akaashi: are you sure?

Bokuto: positive

Bokuto: talk, sweetheart

Akaashi: thank you

Akaashi: um you're right

Akaashi: everything was fine until the 6th lesson

Akaashi: um

Akaashi: i'm failing chemistry now

Akaashi: and when the teacher announced my grade

Akaashi: he said "i'm dissapointed, akaashi."

Akaashi: and proceeded to tell THE WHOLE CLASS my grade

Akaashi: and told them that it was the lowest grade in class

Akaashi: and the whole fucking class laughed at me

Akaashi: and they talked behind my back all day

Akaashi: and probably will tmw

Akaashi: so haha

Bokuto: i'm so sorry my love

Bokuto: you don't deserve that

Akaashi: and once they started

Akaashi: they went on and on

Akaashi: from my grades to my family to even you

Bokuto: what about me?

Akaashi: how you weren't gay and that i didn't even know you and was making our relationship up

Bokuto: that is bullshit.

Bokuto: tmw i'm coming with you

Bokuto: and we'll shove their words in their mouths.

Akaashi: you don't have to

Bokuto: oh but i will

Bokuto: and i'll do it with pleasure

Akaashi: thank you darling

Bokuto: anytime my love

Bokuto: also i really hate those mfers because of how they made you feel

Akaashi: ah it's alright

Akaashi: i've gotten used to it :)

Bokuto: it's things like this that shatters my heart into pieces

Bokuto: i wish i could've met you when we were younger

Bokuto: i never would've made you feel that way

Akaashi: you being here now is enough ml

Akaashi: thank you for everything you've given me

Bokuto: <3


*The next day*

*Akaashi enters the class*

Asshole: Hey Akaashi, how's it going being a disappointment.

Akaashi: Brilliant, thank you.

Asshole: Look at his attitude. Ew.

Bitch: I can't believe he lied about knowing Bokuto-san.

*Bokuto enters behind him*

Bokuto: He lied about what?

Bitch: Bokuto-san! Hello. What are you doing here?

Bokuto: Here to drop Keiji off, of course.

Bitch: Keiji?

Bokuto: My boyfriend? I'm sure he's told you.

Bitch: Are you really his boyfriend?

*Bokuto, with a shit eating grin*: What, do you want me to shove my tongue down his throat?

*Bitch, blushing*: Um... uh... no, of course not.

Bokuto: There you go, then.

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