31. Ennotanakiyo

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Main pairing: Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Ennoshita Chikara x Shimizu Kiyoko

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Tanaka's 2nd year / Ennoshita's 2nd year / Kiyoko's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: IF I SEE ONE MORE WLW COUPLE BEING SAPPY ON MY FUCKING FYP I'M GONNA KMS [/j ofc i'm just jealous bcs my situationship calls me her friend ❤]


*kiyoko and her lovely boyfriends <3*

*Participants: Kiyoko, Ennoshita, Tanaka*

Tanaka: help

Tanaka: i'm scared

Ennoshita: hey babe is everything alright?

Tanaka: no

Kiyoko: what's up?

Tanaka: Tomcat Sawyer is being creepy

Kiyoko: i still cannot believe that you named your cat "Tomcat Sawyer"

Tanaka: ignoring that hate comment by the hater

Kiyoko: uh huh

Ennoshita: what's he doing

Tanaka: staring at the wall

Kiyoko: what 💀

Ennoshita: let me get this straight, your cat staring at a wall creeped you out?

Tanaka: YEAH

Kiyoko: baby he's a cat, he has eyes


*Tanaka shared one attachment*

Ennoshita: ok it would be creepy

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Ennoshita: ok it would be creepy

Ennoshita: if i didn't know for a fact that he was staring at the tiger on the wall

Kiyoko: yeah it looks like he's staring at the toy babe

Tanaka: don't "babe" me 

Tanaka: i can't believe you don't believe me

Tanaka: if either of you told me anything like that

Tanaka: i would believe you AND come over to protect you

Tanaka: honestly

Tanaka: the audacity you two have 

Tanaka: OH WAIT

Tanaka: HE MOVED

Tanaka: he's heading towards the wall

Tanaka: oh

Tanaka: ok nvm

Tanaka: bye

Ennoshita: well don't leave us on a cliffhanger, what did he do???!?!?!

Kiyoko: yeah we wanna know

Tanaka: he started playing with the tiger toy 😐

Ennoshita: LMAOOOO

Ennoshita: all that "i can't believe you don't believe me" bullshit

Ennoshita: for us to be right about it

Tanaka: stop :(

Ennoshita: awww you wittle baby

Tanaka: uh huh

Tanaka: how exactly am I the baby when you're the one that

Tanaka: that

Tanaka: i had the perfect thing

Tanaka: but i forgot


Kiyoko: ryuu, don't threaten my boyfriend

Ennoshita: her boyfriend <3

Kiyoko: <3

Tanaka: he's my boyfriend too, y'know

Tanaka: i can threaten him all i want

Tanaka: i have bf priviladges

Ennoshita: *privilages

Kiyoko: **privileges

Kiyoko: go to sleep, my boys

Kiyoko: we've got school tomorrow :)

Kiyoko: i love you both <3

Tanaka: i love you both too <3  

Ennoshita: me too <3

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