75. Yamafuku

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Main pairing: Shouhei Fukunaga x Yamamato Taketora

Other pairing(s): Taketora x some random girl

Warnings: Cheating

Time: Fukunaga's 2nd year / Yamamato 2nd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Yamamato and Fukunaga's private messages*

Fukunaga: are you fucking serious?

Yamamato: wdym

Fukunaga: why tf did you just kiss a girl

Yamamato: she's my girlfriend

Fukunaga: YOUR WHAT



Yamamato: why?

Yamamato: it's not like we're dating

Fukunaga: what

Yamamato: we're not dating

Yamamato: i was just experimenting

Fukunaga: ah so you were lying all this time

Fukunaga: when you told me that you loved me

Fukunaga: when you kissed me

Fukunaga: texted me goodnight

Fukunaga: held my hand walking to school

Yamamato: none of them were real

Fukunaga: honestly you know what?

Fukunaga: fuck you

*Fukunaga is offline*

*In Kenma and Fukunaga's private messages*

Fukunaga: i have never been this furious before in my life

Fukunaga: my hands are literally shaking and i

Fukunaga: FUCK

Kenma: woah woah what happened

Fukunaga: he kissed a girl

Kenma: what

Kenma: tora kissed a girl????

Fukunaga: yeah

Fukunaga: and when i confronted him about it

Fukunaga: he told me that he was just experimenting with me

Fukunaga: and that every single aspect of our relationship was a lie

Fukunaga: and he didn't even seem phased by it

Fukunaga: FUCK

Fukunaga: i feel sick

Kenma: that's so fucked up

Fukunaga: yeah

Kenma: i'm so sorry

Kenma: should i talk to him?

Fukunaga: no

Fukunaga: the answer will upset me even more, whatever the fuck it is.

Fukunaga: maybe it's his internalised homophobia or he's actually straight

Fukunaga: i don't care

Fukunaga: he fucking chose this

Fukunaga: he'll have to live with the consequences

Fukunaga: he's dead to me now.

Kenma: i'm so sorry that happened

Fukunaga: it's not your fault

Kenma: want me to come over ?

Kenma: we can play mario kart or sumn

Fukunaga: sure i could use the company

Fukunaga: thanks ken :)

Kenma: of course :)

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