34. Kuroyaku

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Main pairing: Yaku Morisuke x Kuroo Tetsuro

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Yaku's a bit drunk  [but he's just celebrating his upcoming graduation with his parents so there isn't anything to worry about dw]

Time: Kuroo's 3rd year / Yaku's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Yaku and Kuroo's private messages*

Yaku: you know what's funny

Kuroo: what?

Yaku: you've become my comfort person

Kuroo: awwww

Kuroo: you've become mine <3

Yaku: i don't need your pity, dipshit

Yaku: i just wanted to say it

Kuroo: i'm not pitying you

Kuroo: i'm serious

Kuroo: you're my comfort person

Yaku: y'know another thing that's funny

Kuroo: what?

Yaku: how straight you are

Yaku: i mean it's ridiculous

Yaku: couldn't you have been a little gay so that i could've gone out with you

Kuroo: what.

Kuroo: mori

Kuroo: listen to me very carefully

Yaku: i can't listen to you idiot, we're texting

Yaku: also

Yaku: i feel like sober me is going to regret this very much

Kuroo: YOU'RE DRUNK?!?!??!

Yaku: don't shout, dimwit

Yaku: it hurts my head

Kuroo: mori, tell me where you are

Kuroo: are you safe?

Yaku: i'm at home

Yaku: my parents and i are drinking because i'm gonna graduate soon

Kuroo: ok that's good

Kuroo: we should talk tomorrow, ok?

Kuroo: we need to really talk tomorrow

Yaku: wait shit did i mess things up

Kuroo: no no

Kuroo: ok fuck ik for a fact that you're gonna wake up tmw, read this and freak out and never ever talk to me again so

Kuroo: here it goes

Kuroo: firstly, i'm gay.

Kuroo: i have no fucking clue how you think i'm straight

Kuroo: secondly, i like you.

Kuroo: mori?

Kuroo: moriiii

Kuroo: hello?

Kuroo: ah i guess you fell asleep

Kuroo: sleep well, mori :)

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