32. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Sakusa's 2nd year / Atsumu's 2nd year

Song: Talk Too Much [by COIN]

Notes: None

*In Sakusa and Atsumu's private messages*

Atsumu: Caffeine, small talk

Sakusa: are you talking about that time we went out on a date after our practice match?

Atsumu: Wait out the rain

Sakusa: ah so you are talking about that

Atsumu: Mmhmm, uh huh

Sakusa: a simple "yes" or "i am" would have sufficed, but ok

Atsumu: discussing current events

Sakusa: we already agreed on what we're talking about

Atsumu: I'll take my time

Sakusa: with?

Atsumu: I'm not the forward thinker

Sakusa: yeah ik

Atsumu: You read my mind

Atsumu: Better to leave it unsaid

Sakusa: leave what unsaid?

Atsumu: Why can't I leave it unsaid?

Sakusa: because you've got a lousy mouth

Atsumu: You know I talk too much

Sakusa: yeah

Atsumu: Then, honey, come put your lips on mine and shut me up

Sakusa: is that an invitation?

Atsumu: and what if it is~

Sakusa: then i would take it

Atsumu: kiss me, pretty boy

Sakusa: are you going to be this talkative tomorrow?

Atsumu: tomorrow?

Sakusa: when i finally kiss you after our practice match

Atsumu: well you gotta wait and see

Sakusa: see you tomorrow then, loverboy 

Haikyuu Text Messages pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now