38. Platonic Bokusaku

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Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro & Sakusa Kiyoomi

Other pairing(s): [Past] Bokuto Koutaro x Hibiki [idk wtf a hibiki is. I just needed a shitty name for bo's ex]

Warnings: Manga spoilers

Time: Post-timeskip

Song: None

Notes: Aromantic Sakusa

Sakusa: hey kou where are you

Bokuto: one of my juniors asked me a question about smth

Bokuto: i had to explain it to them

Bokuto: i'm omw now

Sakusa: ah ok

Bokuto: i'll be there in 5

Bokuto: do NOT start cleaning without me

Sakusa: 😕

Bokuto: i wanna clean too

Bokuto: wait for me :(

Sakusa: ok ok i'll wait

Bokuto: good boy

Sakusa: how was your day?

Bokuto: could've been better

Sakusa: is everything alright?

Bokuto: um

Sakusa: what happened?

Bokuto: hibiki

Sakusa: your bf hibiki?

Bokuto: yeah

Sakusa: i like that guy

Sakusa: how is he?

Bokuto: idk

Bokuto: he broke up with me

Sakusa: wdym he broke up with you

Sakusa: that bastard

Sakusa: son of a bitch hibiki

Sakusa: i've always hated him anyways

Sakusa: what kind of name is hibiki

Sakusa: did he say why? 

Bokuto: he said that i was too loud

Sakusa: that cumfucker

Sakusa: kou you should know that you're not "too loud".

Sakusa: you could never be "too loud"

Sakusa: you're just yourself and if he has a problem with that, he can just fuck off

Bokuto: thanks omi-omi

Bokuto: made me feel a lot better /g

Bokuto: also cumfucker?

Sakusa: idk

Sakusa: we can skip cleaning if you want

Bokuto: no, no 

Bokuto: i like cleaning with you

Sakusa: ok :)

Bokuto: maybe we could talk while we clean?

Sakusa: ofc we can

Sakusa: we have to shittalk him anyways

Bokuto: and maybe afterwards we can watch a movie?

Sakusa: sure, i'd love that

Bokuto: thank you, omi <3

Sakusa: anytime kou <3

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