74. Kiyoyachi

105 5 2

Main pairing: Shimizu Kiyoko x Yachi Hitoka

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Internalised homophobia

Time: Yachi's 1st year / Kiyoko's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Yachi and Kiyoko's private messages*

Yachi: hey

Yachi: we need to talk

Kiyoko: i can't rn

Kiyoko: my grandparents are over

Kiyoko: let's talk in a bit, yeah?

*26 hours later*

Kiyoko: hey

Kiyoko: you wanted to talk to me about something?

Yachi: let's break up.

Kiyoko: what

Yachi: look, kiyoko-san

Yachi: i love you and i understand that you can't come out to your family bcs they're homophobic

Yachi: but i'm sick and tired of being your "secret"

Yachi: i'm a lesbian and i'm proud of it

Yachi: and i want to be open and loud about my relationship

Yachi: i want to go out on dates

Yachi: and hold my gf's hand

Yachi: and maybe even kiss them when we're out

Yachi: and if we can't have that

Yachi: i don't think we should continue going out

Yachi: i understand your situation, i really do

Yachi: but i can't continue doing this

Yachi: i'm sorry.

Kiyoko: i understand

Kiyoko: i'm sorry 

Kiyoko: i love you

Yachi: i love you too.

Haikyuu Text Messages pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now