87. Arankita

124 4 13

Main pairing: [Past] Ojiro Aran x Kita Shinsuke

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Kita's 3rd year / Aran's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Osamu and Kita's private messages*

Osamu: hey kita-san

Osamu: how're you doing

Kita: been better

Kita: how are you?

Osamu: i was just texting about the practice match next tuesday

Osamu: but did something happen?

Kita: ah

Kita: i'm fine

Kita: aran broke up with me


Kita: he "got tired of me"

Kita: his words.

Osamu: that's... really shitty.

Kita: i suppose

Osamu: i'm sorry kita-san, do you want to talk about it?

Kita: honestly i knew

Kita: that something like this might happen

Kita: i mean not this, exactly, but yknow?

Kita: my grandma always says

Kita: "falling in love with someone means exposing the softest, most fragile parts of yourself to them and then praying they don't destroy you"

Kita: so i was aware of the possibility

Kita: but it still hurts

Osamu: your grandma was right

Osamu: but you still didn't deserve that, kita-san

Osamu: i mean, being broken up with because they were bored?

Osamu: that must really hurt

Osamu: i'm really sorry

Osamu: is there anything i could do?

Osamu: or atsumu?

Osamu: he would do anything for you lol

Osamu: he loves you /pl

Kita: thank you for the tone indicator bcs i don't think i could've handled that rn /gen

Osamu: you're family, kita-san

Osamu: we love you

Kita: i love you guys too

Osamu: please tell us if we can do anything for you, alright?

Kita: alright, thank you :)

Osamu: :)

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