49. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Sakusa's 3rd year / Atsumu's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: The bittersweetness will NOT go away, but I suppose the transition to angst will be softer. ALSO this is the last part before we get to the angsty part of the book :) 

*In Sakusa and Atsumu's private messages*

Sakusa: i'm breaking up with you.

Atsumu: WHAT

Sakusa: because you hate me

Atsumu: HUH

Sakusa: do you have the vocabulary of a flea? 

Atsumu: omi-kun, of course i don't hate you.

Atsumu: i love you so fucking much it might kill me

Sakusa: then why won't you touch me

Atsumu: wait, you actually want me to touch you?

Sakusa: of course i do

Sakusa: have i not made that ridiculously fucking obvious ?! 

Sakusa: what's it gonna take, atsumu? 

Sakusa: do i need to jump in your lap a dozen more times? 

Sakusa: throw myself into your arms and hope you don't freeze up this time? 

Sakusa: honestly, how much more do you want me to whore myself out to you?

Atsumu: i

Atsumu: fuck

Atsumu: you haven't the slightest clue of how fucking much i want you

Atsumu: how i want to touch you and just hold you

Sakusa: then why don't you ?!

Atsumu: you don't like to be touched

Atsumu: you never have.

Sakusa: that's true, but if it's you, then i don't think i could ever feel anything less than starved for it

Atsumu: oh love you should have told me

Atsumu: i just didn't want to make you uncomfortable <3

Sakusa: i'm sorry

Atsumu: no, it's not your fault

Atsumu: we should've talked about it

Sakusa: yeah

Atsumu: now i'm going to book a flight get over there and fucking kiss you to oblivion

Sakusa: ok <3

Haikyuu Text Messages pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now