48. Bokuaka

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Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Bokuto's 1st year in uni / Akaashi's 3rd year in hs

Song: None

Notes: It's bittersweet, AGAIN

*In Bokuto and Akaashi's private messages*

Bokuto: hey love

Bokuto: happy birthday!!!!

Akaashi: thanks bo

Bokuto: is everything alright?

Akaashi: i just want to hug you

Bokuto: did you have a bad day?

Akaashi: the worst

Bokuto: i'm so sorry darling

Bokuto: is there anything i can do?

Bokuto: do you want to talk about it?

Akaashi: i woke up

Akaashi: and i knew it was going to be a shitty day

Akaashi: but i suppressed it and went to the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee

Akaashi: and i dropped the cup and it shattered to millions of pieces

Akaashi: i spent half an hour cleaning it up

Akaashi: and thus i was late to practice by 15 minutes

Akaashi: so i everyone was mad at me

Akaashi: then i changed my clothes

Akaashi: only to realise that i brought last year's uniform

Akaashi: so practice went like shit

Akaashi: and then

Akaashi: i went to class

Akaashi: and the teacher decided to give us an exam

Akaashi: and i flunked so hard

Akaashi: at that point i just wanted to go home and cry

Akaashi: but then

Akaashi: then it got worse

Akaashi: cause i fell on my lunch 

Akaashi: bcs of some idiot tripped me

Akaashi: then i had to continue the school day with my lunch on my shirt

Akaashi: bcs the principal told me that it was "inappropriate" to wear the tight vb uniform

Akaashi: then i missed the bus home

Akaashi: and had to walk home in the rain

Akaashi: and i didn't even have my umbrella with me  

Akaashi: and it's my birthday

Akaashi: what kind of a shitty birthday is this

Bokuto: oh baby i'm so sorry

Bokuto: you don't deserve that

Bokuto: do you want to cuddle if that'd make you feel better?

Akaashi: how would i even

Akaashi: why did the doorbell ring

Akaashi: you 

Akaashi: are you here

Bokuto: surprise darling :)

Akaashi: fuck

Bokuto: i brought you cake but we can eat it later

Bokuto: you can just cry in my arms if you want to

Akaashi: really?

Bokuto: of course

Akaashi: thank you <3

Bokuto: <3

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