94. Daisuga

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Main pairing: Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Koushi

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Sugawara's 3rd year / Daichi's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: OOC but idc

*In Daichi and Sugawara's private messages*

Sugawara: so today i was at the supermarket and i wanted to buy an icecream but they were out of my favourite flavour so i had to go down to the other store yk the one with the big banners?

Daichi: yeah

Sugawara: don't interrupt me dai wtf

Daichi: sorry thought it was a question??

Sugawara: it wasn't. shut up

Daichi: damn who put a stick up your ass today

Sugawara: no one just 

Sugawara: what's the point of us dating if you won't even listen to me

Daichi: i do listen to you

Daichi: you're the one who doesn't listen

Sugawara: honestly that's bs

Sugawara: anyways i went to the store and they were out of my favourite flavour too!! Can you fucking believe that??!?!

Daichi: Do you talk to me to talk to me or hear yourself speak? 

Sugawara: stfu mr. philosophy

Sugawara: why are you so shitty today

Daichi: me?!


Daichi: honestly, i'm fed up

Daichi: You talk and talk and talk and don't even let me get in a sentence of my own. You only want to hear yourself talk and I'm not even sure you know half of the shit you're saying. You don't care about me. Hell, you don't care about having a boyfriend. You only care that you have someone that you can talk over all the time, someone that'll listen to you no matter what. Well, I'm not that someone. So, goodbye, Sugawara.

Sugawara: what

Sugawara: you can't leave me.

Daichi: and why not.

Sugawara: because i say so.

Daichi: invalid reason.

Daichi: bye.


lol i dont even remember writing these but theyre funny asf. also they help me cope w my breakup so its a win-win honestly haha 

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