58. Yamayama

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Main pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Yamaguchi Tadashi

Other pairing(s): [Implied future] Shobio (Hinata Shoyou x Kageyama Tobio)

Warnings: None

Time: Kageyama's 3rd year / Yamaguchi's 3rd year

Song: YKWIM? [by Yot Club]

Notes: None

*In Yamaguchi and Kageyama's private messages*

Yamaguchi: Hey

Kageyama: hey?

Yamaguchi: i mean it's not like you've ever tried to love me

Kageyama: what

Yamaguchi: Sometimes I feel like I'm in your way

Kageyama: what are you talking about?

Yamaguchi: Well, that's how it seems

Yamaguchi: Hey

Yamaguchi: You know what I mean?

Yamaguchi: maybe it's me

Yamaguchi: maybe I care too much when I'm all alone

Yamaguchi: I feel like I care too much when no one's at home for me

Kageyama: yamaguchi what is this all about?

Yamaguchi: i know you love hinata

Kageyama: what

Kageyama: i don't

Kageyama: who told you that

Yamaguchi: no one

Yamaguchi: i can see it in your eyes

Yamaguchi: because when you're staring at hinata, i'm staring at you

Yamaguchi: because i love you

Kageyama: you

Kageyama: you love me?

Yamaguchi: pathetic, isn't it?

Kageyama: i'm sorry, tadashi

Kageyama: i never wanted to break your heart

Yamaguchi: it's okay :)

Yamaguchi: i'm used to it anyways

Yamaguchi: go be with him, tobio

Kageyama: thank you

*Yamaguchi is offline*

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