16. Ushiten

428 17 9

Main pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Tendou Satori

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Bullying / Mentions of being beaten up / Homophobia

Time: Ushijima's 2nd year / Tendou's 2nd year

Song: Freaks [by Surf Curse]

Notes: None

*In Ushijima and Tendou's private messages*

Tendou: Don't kill me 

Ushijima: what

Ushijima: what's going on

Tendou: just help me run away from everyone 

Ushijima: satori what's going on

Tendou: I need a place to stay 

Ushijima: you can come to mine

Tendou: where I can cover up my face

Ushijima: you're worrying me

Ushijima: is everything alright?

Ushijima: why do you need to cover your face

Tendou: Don't cry, I am just a freak

Ushijima: You're not a freak, Satori

Tendou: I am just a freak

Ushijima: You're not a freak

Tendou: I am just a freak

Ushijima: You're not a freak

Tendou: I am just a freak

Ushijima: You're not a freak

Tendou: My head is filled with parasites

Ushijima: as in bad thoughts?

Tendou: Black holes cover up my eyes

Ushijima: is your vision going black

Ushijima: or do you have a black eye

Ushijima: in either case that's not supposed to happen

Tendou: I dream of you almost every night

Ushijima: you do?

Tendou: Hopefully I won't wake up this time

Tendou: I won't wake up this time

Ushijima: i'm worried

Ushijima: satori, please tell me where you are

Tendou: at the back of the court

Ushijima: what are you doing there 

Ushijima: school ended nearly 3 hours ago

Tendou: they beat me up

Ushijima: who did

Tendou: some guys in my class

Ushijima: why

Tendou: because i'm a freak, wakatoshi

Ushijima: is that what they told you?

Tendou: yeah

Ushijima: well they're wrong

Ushijima: you're the most human a human being can be

Ushijima: now i'm going to come get you from the vb court

Ushijima: and then we can go back to mine, i'll treat your wounds

Tendou: you don't think i'm weird?

Ushijima: what for?

Tendou: i like guys, toshi

Tendou: and i like you

Tendou: romantically 

Ushijima: well i'd be a hypocrite if i thought you were weird for liking guys

Ushijima: cause i'm gay

Ushijima: and also a bit in love with you

Tendou: are you serious

Ushijima: yeah ofc, why would i be joking about this?

Tendou: does this mean we're dating?

Ushijima: just wait a bit so i can ask you to be my bf in person

Tendou: ok :)

Ushijima: ok :)

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