62. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: [One-sided] Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Manga spoilers

Time: Post-timeskip

Song: Sex with a Ghost [by Teddy Hyde]

Notes: None


*Participants: Sakusa, Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata*

Atsumu: I'm getting hickeys from my bed bugs

*Sakusa, Hinata and Bokuto are online*

Hinata: um hi?

Atsumu: I'm getting busy with an intoxicating perfume

Bokuto: dude u good?

Atsumu: I'm sticking kisses to an angel 

Atsumu: I'm making friction with a sad vacuum

Hinata: what.

Hinata: atsumu-san are u ok?

Atsumu: I'm getting tired of playing this russian roulette

Atsumu: but I'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed

Atsumu: Hoping it hits me somewhere vital

Bokuto: tsum-tsum are you ok?

Atsumu: And when I miss him, he comes and kisses me with a smile

Atsumu: I'm having sex with a ghost, even when he knows I'm in love with him

Sakusa: miya

Sakusa: don't do this

Atsumu: He's a freak in the sheets, play it cool

Atsumu: I'm sleeping with an asshole

Atsumu: The only time I ever see him

Atsumu: is either in front of my apartment door at 2 am

Atsumu: or at fucking practice

Atsumu: Even from a distance I can hear him

Atsumu: I try not to listen, but his sweet words are intoxicating

Atsumu: And on our dates, it's never daytime

Sakusa: I'm sorry

Hinata: woah what

Bokuto: is he talking about you, sakkun?

Atsumu: I need a break, maybe I'll take five

Sakusa: atsumu, come on

Atsumu: why do you enjoy seeing me suffer?

Sakusa: i'm sorry

Sakusa: i don't

Sakusa: i really don't

Atsumu: fuck you

Atsumu: you could have told me that you had a boyfriend instead of just not seeing me for months

Atsumu: MONTHS, sakusa.

Sakusa: i know, i'm sorry.

Atsumu: well that doesn't cut it, does it?

Bokuto: woah woah woah

Hinata: should we unpack this?

Atsumu: nah

Atsumu: no need

Atsumu: mr. sakusa doesn't like his personal life being mingled

Sakusa: tsumu i'm sorry

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