9. Akaken

394 12 4

Main pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Kozume Kenma

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Post-timeskip

Song: None

Notes: None 

*In Kenma and Akaashi's private messages*

Akaashi: ken

Akaashi: ken

Akaashi: ken

Akaashi: ken

Kenma: stoppppp

Kenma: i'm trying to game hereeeeee

Akaashi: so you wouldn't care if i was dying?

Kenma: if it was serious

Kenma: you would've called

Akaashi: i don't like that you know me so well

Kenma: well i like knowing you so well so stfu

Akaashi: i'm flattered and offended at the same time

Kenma: it's a specialty of mine

Akaashi: don't i know

Kenma: anyways what's up?

Akaashi: wdym what's up?

Kenma: why'd u text me?

Akaashi: OH YEAH LOL

Akaashi: i just started playing doom

Akaashi: and i'm trying to get the yellow card

Akaashi: but idfk how to [not me spending 20 minutes trying to find it only to give up and google it </3]

Akaashi: and i've come to seek my wonderfully amazing gamer boyfriend's help 

Kenma: um let me think

Kenma: oh yeah

Kenma: look around

Kenma: do you see big fans behind the moving cube that can kill you?

Akaashi: uh huh

Akaashi: what about them

Akaashi: oh

Akaashi: ok i see the gate

Kenma: yup

Akaashi: thx babe

Kenma: no problem

Kenma: also you didn't tell me that you started doom

Akaashi: yh i saw you playing it a while back

Akaashi: and it's been on my mind for some time

Akaashi: but i just didn't have the time to actually sit and play it lol

Kenma: ah ok i see

Kenma: well have fun

Akaashi: you too

Kenma: bye .)

Akaashi: bye .)

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