45. Ennokinoita

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Main pairing: Kinoshita Hisashi x Narita Kazuhito x Ennoshita Chikara

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Ennoshita's 3rd year / Kinoshita's 3rd year / Narita's 3rd year

Song: Hey Lover [by The Daughters of Eve]

Notes: None

*i need to handle this, guys, you go on our date w/out me (-enno)*

*Participants: Kinoshita, Narita, Ennoshita*

Kinoshita: Hey, hey, hey, lover @ennoshita

Ennoshita: hey hisa what's up

Ennoshita: i'm sorry i had to miss our date btw

Narita: You don't have to be a star

Narita: Hey, hey, hey, lover

Ennoshita: hey hey hey kazu :)

Kinoshita: We love you just the way you are

Ennoshita: <3

Narita: For love is just the same without fortune or fame

Kinoshita: Just give us true love and understanding

Ennoshita: are you singing me a song

Narita: yeah :)

Kinoshita: we noticed how you're rlly stressed these days

Narita: so we wanted to sing u a cute little song <3

Ennoshita: thank you both i loved it <3

Narita: were you able to handle the problem?

Ennoshita: yeah

Ennoshita: after 2 breakdowns and 4 anger bursts

Kinoshita: so sorry you have to go through that

Ennoshita: well, captain duties i suppose

Ennoshita: i have no clue how tf daichi-san managed to do this

Narita: you got this baby!!

Kinoshita: we're rooting for you!!

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