7. Ennotanakiyo

455 13 22

Main pairing: Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Ennoshita Chikara x Shimizu Kiyoko

Other pairing(s): Daiasasuga (Sawamura Daichi x Azumane Asahi x Sugawara Koushi)

Warnings: None

Time: Tanaka's 2nd year / Ennoshita's 2nd year / Kiyoko's 3rd year

Song: Paper Rings [by Taylor Swift]


*In Tanaka and Ennoshita's private messages*

Tanaka: hey

Ennoshita: hey

Ennoshita: what's up?

Tanaka: i think we should talk

Ennoshita: are you breaking up with me?


Tanaka: you can't get rid of me that easily >:D

Tanaka: well you might want to

Ennoshita: why would i want that 🧍‍♂️

Tanaka: um so

Tanaka: you know how i like you?

Tanaka: um i also like kiyoko..

Tanaka: and i want a poly relationship

Tanaka: or an open relationship if you're up to that?

Ennoshita: that's sick

Tanaka: oh ok nvm forget i asked

Ennoshita: no no i mean like cool!!

Tanaka: oh

Ennoshita: cause i kinda like kiyoko too lol


Ennoshita: yeahhh

Tanaka: that's so cool!!

Ennoshita: and i think she might like you back

Tanaka: woa

Tanaka: what about you though?

Ennoshita: me?

Ennoshita: nah she doesn't like me lol 

Tanaka: oh :/

Ennoshita: yeah :/

Ennoshita: but you should definitely shoot your shot!!

Tanaka: nope

Tanaka: not without you

Tanaka: i wouldn't even accept her confession let alone confess to her

Tanaka: if it meant that you'd be sad :(

Ennoshita: aw babe it's ok :)

Tanaka: i stand by my words.

*My lovely boys /p (-kiyoko)*

*Participants: Asahi, Sugawara, Daichi, Kiyoko*

Kiyoko: hey guys

Sugawara: hi ko :)

Kiyoko: hi suga :)

Asahi: did you need smth kiyo?

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