72. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: [Past] Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Atsumu's 3rd year / Sakusa's 3rd year

Song: Maniac [by Conan Gray]

Notes: Don't be fooled by the cute picture :)

*In Sakusa and Atsumu's private messages*

Sakusa: You were with your friends partying when the alcohol kicked in

Sakusa: Said you wanted me dead

Atsumu: I did not

Sakusa: So, you show up at my home, all alone

Sakusa: With a shovel and a rose

Sakusa: Do you think I'm a joke?

Atsumu: pfft yeah 

Sakusa: 'Cause people like you always want back what they can't have

Atsumu: i could have you back if i wanted to

Sakusa: But I'm past that and you know that

Sakusa: So you should turn back to your rat pack, tell 'em I'm trash

Atsumu: because you are trash

Sakusa: Tell all of your friends that I'm crazy and drive you mad, that I'm such a stalker, a watcher, a psychopath

Sakusa: And tell them you hate me and dated me just for laughs

Atsumu: because i did

Sakusa: So, why do you call me and tell me you want me back?

Atsumu: i was drunk

Atsumu: you can't blame me for that

Sakusa: You maniac

Sakusa: you absolute fucking maniac

Sakusa: You just went too far when you called me crying in the dark

Sakusa: Now you're breaking my heart

Atsumu: you don't have a heart lmaoooo

Sakusa: So, I show up at your place right away

Sakusa: Wipe the tears off of your face

Sakusa: While you beg me to stay

Sakusa: We had magic, but you made it tragic

Sakusa: i feel sorry for you, miya atsumu.

Sakusa: you have no real friends and you have absolutely no idea that they don't even like you

Atsumu: they like me

Atsumu: they do

Sakusa: keep lying to yourself.

Haikyuu Text Messages pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now