79. Bokuaka

156 5 4

Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Bokuto's 3rd year / Akaashi's 2nd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Bokuto and Akaashi's private messages*

Akaashi: let's break up

Bokuto: what.

Akaashi: let's break up.

Bokuto: this isn't funny love

Bokuto: let's not joke about this, yeah?

Akaashi: i'm not joking

Akaashi: we should break up

Bokuto: do i get a reason?

Akaashi: um..

Akaashi: no.

Bokuto: what the fuck.

Bokuto: that wasn't a question, keiji.

Bokuto: tell me the reason.

Akaashi: you won't let me break up with you if i tell you

Bokuto: tell me.

Akaashi: well basically you're graduating and it'll be much harder to maintain our relationship over long-distance and i'm such an insecure fuck that i think you'll find someone better than me and i'll have to watch you fall out of love with me and not be able to do anything about it and i love you too much to let that happen so i want to break up now because at least then i'll be able to look back and say that you truly loved me until the end. it's not that i think you'd cheat, hell, you're the last person to cheat, but i just don't want to watch you fall in love with someone else. because you will find someone better than me and i know that i'm not good.

Bokuto: oh my fucking god, keiji.

Bokuto: you're SUCH an idiot

Bokuto: that would never happen [can you tell that i almost forgot and made this fluff]

Bokuto: but fine

Bokuto: if you want to break up, so be it.

Bokuto: and here i was

Bokuto: ready to propose to you

Akaashi: you

Akaashi: what

Akaashi: are you serious

Bokuto: yeah

Bokuto: well, it's too late now, isn't it.

Akaashi: i

Akaashi: yeah..

Akaashi: i guess it is... 

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