89. Tsukkiyama

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Main pairing: [One-sided] Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi

Other pairing(s): Yamaguchi Tadashi x some random girl

Warnings: None

Time: Tsukishima's 2nd year / Yamaguchi's 2nd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Tsukishima and Kuroo's private messages*

Tsukishima: he got himself a gf

Kuroo: oh

Kuroo: sorry dude

Tsukishima: it's ok he deserves someone who can treat him right

Kuroo: come on now don't say that

Kuroo: you know it's not true

Tsukishima: i don't know i just

Tsukishima: i just hope he doesn't stop being my friend bcs of his new gf

Kuroo: why, you got beef w/ the girl or smth?

Tsukishima: yeah

Kuroo: oh 💀

Tsukishima: yeah we've been crushing on tadashi since middle school

Tsukishima: and she finally won, i suppose

Kuroo: oh, dude that sucks, i'm so sorry

Kuroo: did you talk to him about it   

Tsukishima: what am i supposed to say "hey tadashi ik you're straight but i've been crushing on you since middle school and so has this girl who's now your gf. so if she wants you to stop being friends w/ me, please don't."

Kuroo: ok fine you're right that's preposterous

Tsukishima: yeah

Kuroo: why did you never tell him though

Kuroo: yamaguchi's not the type of guy to stop being friends w/ you if you tell him you like him

Tsukishima: but there'd be this awkwardness...

Tsukishima: and i don't want that, so I'm keeping my distance, cause I know I can't have him.

Kuroo: that really sucks, dude, I'm sorry

Tsukishima: yeah well what're you gonna do

Tsukishima: life's a bitch and then you die

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