76. Tananoya

113 3 1

Main pairing: [One-sided] Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Nishinoya Yuu

Other pairing(s): Tanakiyo (Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Shimizu Kiyoko)

Warnings: None

Time: Post-timeskip

Song: None

Notes: None

*Private messages between Tanaka and Nishinoya*

Tanaka: HEY MAN

Nishinoya: Hi dude

Tanaka: I'm here to ask you a very important question!!!!

Nishinoya: ask away

Tanaka: Would you like to be my best man for my wedding?

Nishinoya: ryuu

Nishinoya: you're being mean.

Nishinoya: stop it.

Tanaka: why

Nishinoya: you know exactly why

Nishinoya: i can't just come to your wedding like it's all fine

Nishinoya: the fact that you're even reminding me of it is cruel on it's own

Tanaka: i don't understand

Nishinoya: if kiyoko was marrying someone else and asked you to be her maid of honour

Nishinoya: would you have said yes?

Tanaka: of course not

Nishinoya: then, my answer is: of course not.

Tanaka: wait

Tanaka: what

Nishinoya: dude i confessed to you last year

Nishinoya: don't you remember?

Tanaka: yeah but you were very drunk that night

Tanaka: so i thought you were joking

Tanaka: or saying it bcs of the alcohol

Nishinoya: we both know that it was real

Nishinoya: you just don't want to accept it

Tanaka: i'm sorry

Nishinoya: ...

*Nishinoya is offline*

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