88. Iwaoi

138 4 1

Main pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Teeny weeny manga spoilers

Time: Oikawa's 3rd year / Iwaizumi's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: Them and their little matching scarves make me want to scream into my pillow at 3 AM

*In Oikawa and Iwaizumi's private messages*

Oikawa: iwa

Oikawa: haji

Oikawa: babe

Oikawa: baby

Oikawa: love

Oikawa: my one and only

Iwaizumi: tooru

Oikawa: i know, darling, i know

Oikawa: but you know this had to happen

Iwaizumi: it doesn't

Iwaizumi: you know that

Oikawa: baby

Iwaizumi: fuck i'm going to miss you

Oikawa: me too

Oikawa: i love you with every cell in me

Iwaizumi: and i love you with every atom in me

Oikawa: no fair >:(

Iwaizumi: <3

Oikawa: <3

Iwaizumi: you're coming over tonight, right?

Oikawa: for the last time, yeah.

Iwaizumi: i have a request then.

Oikawa: act like i'm not going tonight and leave before you wake up tomorrow morning

Iwaizumi: act like you're not going tonight and leave before i wake up tomorrow morning

Iwaizumi: you know me too well :)

Oikawa: i know you too well

Iwaizumi: ok stop that now shittykawa, it's getting weird

Oikawa: ouch, shittykawa?

Iwaizumi: prettykawa then

Oikawa: <3

*In real life*

*At 4 AM*

*Oikawa kisses Iwaizumi's forehead*

*Oikawa, whispering with tears in his eyes*: I guess our story ends here, my love...

*Oikawa leaves*

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