39. Semishira

236 12 0

Main pairing: Semi Eita x Shirabu Kenjirou

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Suicide joke

Time: Shirabu's 2nd year / Semi's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Semi and Shirabu's private messages*

Semi: LOOK

Semi: LOOK

*Semi shared one attachment*

*Semi shared one attachment*

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Shirabu: that's not funny


Shirabu: yeah ok it's hilarious

Semi: did you hear about the queen btw 

Shirabu: yeah

Shirabu: i outlived the queen

Shirabu: so now i can die

Semi: NO

Shirabu: i said i wouldn't let the queen outlive me, and now she's dead, so now i can die


Shirabu: eh but i kinda like you

Shirabu: maybe i'll stay for a while

Semi: <3

Semi: but i'm worried about you

Shirabu: it's /hj

Semi: yeah, ik

Semi: that's why i'm worried

Shirabu: oh shut up

Shirabu: like you're mentally stable

Semi: fair.

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