51. Sakuatsu

248 9 3

Main pairing: [One-Sided] Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): [Implied] Bokuaka (Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji)

Warnings: Manga spoilers

Time: Post-timeskip

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Sakusa and Atsumu's private messages*

Sakusa: miya

Sakusa: i need to talk to you

Atsumu: hey omi-omi :D

Atsumu: what's up?

Sakusa: i.. overheard you talking to bokuto today

Atsumu: i talk to bokkun everyday?

Sakusa: in the locker rooms after practice

Atsumu: oh

Atsumu: oh.

Atsumu: well, out with it.

Atsumu: no need to drag it out.

Sakusa: i

Sakusa: ...don't like you back, atsumu.

Sakusa: i'm straight.

Atsumu: anything else?

Sakusa: i don't think we can be friends anymore

Atsumu: oh

*Atsumu went offline*

*In Osamu and Atsumu's private messages*

Atsumu: hey

Osamu: hey

Osamu: u good?

Atsumu: haha

Atsumu: no

Osamu: where are you rn?

Atsumu: over at bokkun's

Atsumu: akaashi's here too

Osamu: ok

Osamu: do you want to tell what happened?

Atsumu: he just rejected me and told me that we couldn't be friends anymore

Atsumu: it's nothing serious, really.

Osamu: you've loved that guy since we were fucking 17, tsumu

Osamu: ofc it's serious

Osamu: stay there, i'll book a ticket rn

Osamu: i'll be over there in a few hours, dw

Atsumu: thank you

Osamu: that's what brothers are for, right?

Atsumu: right :)

*Osamu went offline*

*In Osamu and Akaashi's private messages*

Osamu: hey akaashi

Akaashi: hello myaa-sam

Osamu: i'm guessing he's trying to keep his composure?

Akaashi: and failing at it

Osamu: it must hurt like hell

Akaashi: yeah..

Osamu: i just booked a plane ticket, so i'll be over there in a few hours

Osamu: just please get him to open up

Osamu: it'll make him sick to keep it all in

Akaashi: we'll do the best we can

Osamu: thank you

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