17. Kiyotana

308 11 14

Main pairing: [Future implied] Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Shimizu Kiyoko

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Tanaka's 1st year / Kiyoko's 2nd year

Song: Just the Way You Are [by Bruno Mars]

Notes: None

*In Tanaka and Kiyoko's private messages*

Tanaka: Oh, her eyes, her eyes

Tanaka: They make the stars look like they're not shining

Kiyoko: hey tanaka

Kiyoko: what's up?

Tanaka: Her hair falls perfectly without her trying

Tanaka: She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday

Kiyoko: are you talking about me?

Tanaka: Yeah

Kiyoko: tanaka

Tanaka: I know, I know 

Tanaka: you don't want to go out with me

Tanaka: i'm not doing this to ask you out

Tanaka: you seemed like you were feeling insecure today

Tanaka: so i want to make you feel better :)

Kiyoko: oh

Kiyoko: thank you

Tanaka: may i continue, milady 🦘

Kiyoko: hahahahaha what is with that emoji?


Kiyoko: no, no, it's cute, i like it

Kiyoko: also, go ahead :)

Tanaka: When I compliment her, she won't believe me

Tanaka: And it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see

Kiyoko: i am ugly though, tanaka

Kiyoko: the "goddess figure" you have in your mind isn't me

Tanaka: Kiyoko-san, when I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change

Tanaka: 'Cause you're amazing

Tanaka: Just the way you are

Tanaka: And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while

Kiyoko: :)

Tanaka: Her lips, her lips

Tanaka: I could kiss them all day if she'd let me

Tanaka: Her laugh, her laugh

Tanaka: She hates it, but I think it's ethereal

Tanaka: i'm done, milady 🦘

Kiyoko: are you going to call me that from now on?

Tanaka: if you want me to?

Kiyoko: i think i'd like that :)

Tanaka: your wish is my command, milady

Kiyoko: you forgot him 🦘

*3 months later*


*Participants: Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Kiyoko, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, Narita*

Kiyoko: good morning everyone!!

Kiyoko: don't forget that practice is cancelled today 🦘

Kiyoko: *******❗

Kiyoko: omg tanaka i hate you

*Tanaka is online*

Tanaka: hahahahahhahahhahhahaha

Tanaka: i love you too milady 🦘

Kiyoko: oh fuck off 

Tanaka: ...

Kiyoko: 🦘

Tanaka: :)

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