65. Kiyoyachi

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Main pairing: Shimizu Kiyoko x Yachi Hitoka

Other pairing(s): Tsukkiyama (Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi)

Warnings: Transphobia

Time: Yachi's 1st year / Kiyoko's 3rd year

Song: None

Notes: Trans Yachi (they/he) / Non-binary Yamaguchi (they/them)

*In Yachi and Tsukishima's private messages*

Yachi: hey

Tsukishima: what's up

Yachi: i just

Yachi: idk what to do

Tsukishima: you wanna talk about it?

Tsukishima: is it kiyoko?

Yachi: yeah

Tsukishima: what happened?

*Yachi shared an attachment*

Kiyoko: unpopular opinion

Kiyoko: but i think there are only 2 genders

Yachi: what

Kiyoko: i mean biologically

Kiyoko: idk

Kiyoko: a man saying "i'm a she" is just ridiculous

Kiyoko: and vice versa

Yachi: oh

Tsukishima: oh yachi i'm so sorry

Tsukishima: that is so fucked up

Yachi: yeah lol

Yachi: i was going to tell her that i went by they/he now

Yachi: glad i didn't make that mistake 👍

Tsukishima: that is just

Tsukishima: fuck i'm so sorry

Yachi: it's fineee

Tsukishima: it is absolutely not fine.

Tsukishima: come over

Tsukishima: you should get your mind off of things

Yachi: no

Yachi: you're going on a date with yamaguchi today

Yachi: i don't mean to intrude

Tsukishima: don't be ridiculous

Yachi: i haven't come out to them yet

Tsukishima: oh

Tsukishima: well i can just shoo them away if you want

Yachi: no

Yachi: i was planning on coming out to them anyways

Yachi: what better time than this, right?

Tsukishima: yeah, ok

Tsukishima: we're waiting for you over at mine, then

Yachi: yeah, thanks :)

Tsukishima: be careful on your way

Yachi: 👍

*In Yamaguchi and Tsukishima's private messages*

Tsukishima: yams

Yamaguchi: what's up babe

Tsukishima: i'm sorry don't be mad at me

Yamaguchi: woah what's up?

Tsukishima: it's yachi

Yamaguchi: are they alright?

Tsukishima: they claim to be but they're not

Tsukishima: and he needs to talk about it

Tsukishima: so i kinda invited him over

Tsukishima: i'm sorry

Yamaguchi: it's alright love

Yamaguchi: we can have our date later :)

Yamaguchi: btw he?

Tsukishima: shit um

Tsukishima: they were going to tell you today

Tsukishima: shit act like you don't know

Yamaguchi: alright :)

Tsukishima: oh btw i'm sure they'll tell you but it's about kiyoko

Yamaguchi: oh was she being transphobic to yachi?

Tsukishima: how'd you know?

Tsukishima: did she say something to you too???

Yamaguchi: yeah last week she told me non-binary ppl don't exist

Tsukishima: wtf

Tsukishima: why didn't you tell me

Yamaguchi: i get comments like those everyday

Yamaguchi: it would take hours to tell you all of them

Tsukishima: that's so messed up i'm so sorry love

Yamaguchi: it's alright

Tsukishima: do you want a hug?

Yamaguchi: always

Tsukishima: then get your ass up from the bean bag, move your feet, take literally 4 steps and get on the bed

Yamaguchi: so demanding 😔

Tsukishima: you know i love you

Yamaguchi: i do <3

Tsukishima: <3

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