37. Kinonari

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Main pairing: Kinoshita Hisashi x Narita Kazuhito

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Friends Spoilers

Time: Their 2nd year

Song: None

Notes: None

*In Kinoshita and Narita's private messages*

Narita: yknow how i felt after i made out with you the first time

Kinoshita: no

Kinoshita: but i'm scared of the answer

*Narita shared one attachment*

*Narita shared one attachment*

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Kinoshita: lmaooooo

Narita: yeah 

Narita: anyways i'm bored

Kinoshita: me too

Narita: do you have anything you're watching rn

Kinoshita: well i'm rewatching friends

Narita: oh cool

Narita: where are you rn

Kinoshita: they're at the beach house

Narita: ah okay

Narita: did they get back together yet

Kinoshita: yeah

Kinoshita: ok let's play

Kinoshita: friends questions

Narita: questions?

Kinoshita: idk what to call it lol

Narita: so basically we ask a question about friends and the other has to answer, right?

Kinoshita: yup

Narita: you go first

Kinoshita: ok

Kinoshita: one of the most important questions

Kinoshita: were they on a break?

Narita: i mean yeah

Narita: but a break doesn't mean a breakup so ross had no right to sleep with another woman

Kinoshita: the first text scared me

Narita: hahaha

Narita: ok who's your favourite ship

Kinoshita: i'd have to say

Kinoshita: goddamn it there are so many good ones

Narita: give me your top 2 then, mr. multishipper

Narita: ik both's gonna have chandler bcs ik you love him

Kinoshita: you know me too well 😕

Kinoshita: it's mondler 

Kinoshita: and

Kinoshita: joey and chandler

Kinoshita: what's their ship name

Narita: some ppl say it's "the chick and the duck"

Kinoshita: that's kinda cute

Narita: yeah

Kinoshita: what's your top 2 ships

Narita: i'd have to say

Narita: joey and rachel

Narita: and mondler

Kinoshita: good choice 👍

Narita: oh my mum's calling me i gotta go

Kinoshita: okay bye!!

Narita: bye <3

Kinoshita: <3

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