Chapter 51

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A man is sitting on a swivel chair. His head turned to the sky, watching the slow passing of the clouds.

He has been doing this for some time now, unsure whether he will spend this whole day like this.

Lots of their days are spent like this. Him, and another man that approaches him from across the deserted street.

"Jing," the man calls out to the one on the office chair.

Jing, as he is called, swings around with the chair using his legs. The chair keeps spinning around. Where he is spinning towards, there is a street sign and a traffic light post.

Uttering woah!, he kicks on the sidewalk away from collision, only for him to fall off the sidewalk and into the road with the chair.

"—OW!" he cried, his arm isn't feeling too good at the moment.

The other man sighed. "Aren't you like a kid..."

He gets up into a seated position, "What's wrong?"

"Who brings a swivel chair out on the street?"

"Anyone? Come on, I'm bored."

His reasoning seems acceptable to the man who's dressed just the same as him — white coat and hood and military-grade body armor.

Jing further tries to get his colleague aboard his opinion. "Don't you find this boring? We've been here for a couple of days now, and we're not seeing actual combat again after the initial strike."

"You should have joined the jetpack soldiers, then."

He clicks his tongue as he stands up and pulls the chair back to the sidewalk and on its wheels. "Bruh, I'm not trained to do that."

"Then do what you are trained to do."

He spreads his arms wide. "THIS?"

The Reunion soldier looks around at what Jing is referring to.

This is only one of the many areas that didn't sustain as much damage as the areas in the middle of the northern district and the border with Nansei's central. Yet, it is still in conditions unsuitable for living.

It is to be expected. For Reunion, however, they've hit a jackpot by coming to Nansei, and living here is significantly a greater experience than in Chernobog or other places they used to settle in.

Jing and his friend, Xuefeng, weren't in Chernobog, though they've heard of what happened there, how it is now. They are from the Lungmen slums, and for them, Nansei is only a bit better than the slums.

Still, there is the word better. That's all that matters.

"I'm a man of action, I don't want to just stand here, or sit here, doing nothing." he added.

"Tell that to the captain. At least I prefer this than being on the outer sections. We are actually fighting in a war now." Xuefeng reminded him. "Have you ever imagined it? Even if you are always involved in street fights, have you ever imagined yourself fighting on a conflict of this scale?"

Jing seems to not be putting too much thought into his friend's words. "At least I graduated from using pipes."

"Not something you should be celebrating about."

Jing gets closer to Xuefeng. "I don't mind you saying all these things like you are extremely disgusted by the fact that we are with Reunion now, but be sure not to say those kinds of things to the captain, okay?"

"I can't believe I have a friend as crazy as you."

Xuefeng in return gets a nudge from his grinning friend.

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