Chapter 61.3

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"I'm listening, Buldrokkas'tee." Kal'tsit responds with a patient voice.

"The Wendigos, exiled ourselves, lost everything. But we carry, Sarkaz traditions. Ancestors, molded me, nurtured me, watched over me. Now, bear witness." Patriot demands her.

"Buldrokkas'tee... I don't know if I'm qualified."

"I think you, are the best, choice."

"What's happening?" Silesia asks. "Choice for what?"

Seeing that there may well be no other choice but her, Kal'tsit starts to recite
"...I hereby witness a Sarkaz. Buldrokkas'tee, Wendigo of Kazdel, betrayed neither flesh nor blood, disgraced not his tribe.

"He leaves his body, with his life, under the light...

"...And his soul returns to the warm blood of the Wendigos."

She blinks, retaining a deep gaze at Patriot, everyone else couldn't interpret.

"This is a curse." the feline remarked.

Patriot contradicts her, both of them sounding like they were talking about tranquil topics. "It is not, to me."

He pauses for a moment, his head making a little turn to the side, as if he was looking at the ground.

"Oh..." he utters. "I feel... I feel... My vision, begins to blur. Thank you, Dame."

"I thought you hated this stuff." Kal'tsit reminds him.

"But I, am old."

"I don't really get this man..." Silesia tells everyone who could hear his casual voice, looking back to Texas and Vanilla.

"Not many can understand how they talk, I guess..." Vanilla whispers.

Amiya has a sorrowful look on her face as she stared at the dying Patriot inside their encirclement.

The next seven to ten seconds were peaceful, but filled with dread. Before a series distant booms turns everyone's heads around with a little shudder to the direction of Tower Alpha.

"Doctor (Y/N), gather your operators." Kal'tsit commands him.

The Doctor walks forward, looking at the source of the sound. Though he cannot see, a tick, like that of a massive cosmic clock, confirms it to him. "No need."

"She did it anyway..."


How fast they turned to look at the distant casting of arts, they also did as Patriot uttered the word.

"Hallucination." he says,l as if doubting what he sees. "How... I, don't need visions, don't need, consolation!

"Who...? Who shows me... hallucinations?!"

Amiya gapes at him. "How...? How did Mister Patriot... break free?"

Already terrifying with how he suddenly talked, Patriot slowly looks down at the cautus, his red eyes glowing brighter. "Now, I see."

All of the operators simultaneously held their weapons tight.

"–You. Cautus. It's you. You, are her... successor."

Meteorite steps closer to Amiya as she aimed her bowgun. "What's he saying..?"

"Theresis, lied. The King... had a... successor."

"You are..." Patriot almost roars with his anger as he said, "... the Lord of Fiends."

"The what now?!" Onyx shouts while aiming at the wendigo's legs.

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