Chapter 75.2

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Ten seconds. Mephisto stared at the Doctor.

After that short time, amusement comes to the boy's face in the form of a wide smile.

"Ah! You finally talked!" he giggled. "Did you notice the mortars have stopped firing?"

(Y/N) looks up to the sky, a gesture copied by some of the operators.

"There are many reasons for a weapon to stop firing." Meteorite scoffs at Mephisto.

The latter smiles more, mocking her and the others. "Playing blind, huh..."

He bares his teeth as he smiled even more, "YOU'VE BEEN SURROUNDED!... ALL OF YOU!! YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN!!"

His laughter follows after he spoke. Laughing like he just heard the funniest joke in existence, the boy held on to his stomach.

He stops himself, then gasping for air before speaking again. "I know you've been running to help your friends at the plaza, but now... now that you know the truth, would you still run? To where will you go? Who is it that you will help? You are the helpless sheep here!"

(Y/N) has just opened his mouth when a distant mortar fired.

Subconsciously, they gazed upward. Mephisto looked at the sky with parted lips. "Those idiots, wasting shells."

The Doctor stares forward, directing a glare towards the boy that's still looking up. "Then that's it, I guess."

Mephisto slowly turns his head.

"We're trapped." (Y/N) says calmly.

"Yes, you are." Mephisto replies in the same manner.

"Funny though... Yesterday, we penetrated the territories you occupied." (Y/N) tells him. "How did the news reached you?"

"News?..." Mephisto asked. "How every other news would. You breached the walls exactly as we breached another wall. You were already stationed near the northern district even before the attack here at the east."

"But did you know how many of you were left behind?"

"Are you serious...? Of course!"

"Those hundreds surely didn't just let us come and go."

"Of course." Mephisto's voice changes as he starts to get bored. "Is riddling a hobby of yours...?"

"No." the Doctor briefly answered. "But I just want to help you realize... you're wasting those laughs."

Mephisto raises his chin upon hearing him. "Contradicting words, good sir."

(Y/N) then puts emphasis on his words. "No, you're just too dumb to realize how dumb you are."

The boy scowls. "What?"

"Point your gun." (Y/N) whispers to the feline on his back.

"Y-yeah!"— Jessica whispers back, then extending her arms with the barrel of her gun pointing forward.

Mephisto's scowling face only worsens, with his foot sliding back.

"Are you... are you threatening me?!" he yells. "Even your most explosive weapons wouldn't work, and you will go with petty bullets?! You're out of your mind!!"

After him, the rest of (Y/N)'s snipers raised their weapons, furthering the anger showing up on the boy's face.

"Sick bastards!! What are you hoping to achieve with this rehearsed threats?!" he mocked.

Exusiai gives Suffering a nudge, "Hey, point your gun."

The puzzled liberi glances all around her. "What...? What are you planning???"—

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