chapter two

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❝ excuse you, i can be friendly

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❝ excuse you, i can be friendly. ❞

CARINA GAZED OUT the glass roof the submarine had. She took in all the underwater creatures as Obi-Wan co-piloted the craft with Jar-Jar actually guided them through.

"Dis is nutsen... Ooo, gooberfish." The GunGan happily spoke.

Obi-Wan pursed his lips before questioning, "Why were you banished, Jar Jar?"

The GunGan paused for a short moment, "Tis a longo taleo, buta small part of it wawdbe mesa... aaaa..... clumsy."

The teenage padawan furrowed his brows in confusion, "You were banished because you were clumsy?"

Jar Jar hummed, "Ahh... Yousa mighten be sayin dat." He veers the craft to the left and turned the headlights on.

Carina stared in amazement at the beautiful coral that decorated the swamp floor.

Jar Jar continues to steer the sub into the planet core, unbeknownst to the hidden creature lurking not far behind.

"Mesa cause-ed mabee one or duey lettal bitty axadentes...yud-say boom da gasser, un crash Der Bosses heyblibber...den banished."

Carina let out a surprised gasp as they were suddenly lurched to the side. The young girl grabbed onto her seat as the craft struggled to stabilize itself.

Qui-Gon rushed to look outside the window to see a huge Opee sea killer having them latched with its disturbingly long tongue.

Jar Jar blinked, "Uh-oh. Big gooberfish. Huge Opee."

Suddenly, an even larger sea monster as attacked the Opee.

Qui-Gon crossed his arms over his chest, "There's always a bigger fish."

Carina sat back on her seat, "Can we get out of here?"

Jar Jar nods in agreement before making the craft go faster. Carina gazed out the window to see a larger set of jaw munching on the creature that had just ate the Opee killer.

Carina tore her attention away from the disturbing scene and watched Jar Jar speak up, "Where wesa goin?"

"Don't worry, the Force will guide us." The Jedi Master reassuringly spoke.

Jar Jar looked intrigue with the males response , "Ooooh, maxibig, 'da Force'...Well, dat smells stinkowiff."

An alarm suddenly went off, startling the group. Obi-Wan gazed at his screen before hesitantly speaking, "We're losing power."

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