chapter twenty-three

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❝ obi-wan, why are you givingme that look? ❞

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❝ obi-wan, why are you giving
me that look? ❞

CARINA SWALLOWED ANXIOUSLY AS she paced around the hall. Breathing heavily as her hand instinctively went to her womb, thoughts running through her head of just how she was going to break the news to Anakin.

She wished to rejoice in the news of her expecting, how much she longed for it, but she was a Jedi. Sworn to the order, to serve and protect. If they ever found out she was pregnant she didn't know how she would explain it, worse that the father was another Jedi member.

She remembered the day she found out vividly, she had been on a mission with Mace, freeing troopers that had been taken hostage when all her strength began to weaken, she had felt lightheaded and out of shape. Halfway through the mission she had passed out.

The emergency doctor had seen her and broke the news to her, the brunette had gone pale with panic, having used the force on the doctor to wipe his mind of the news, so that he would tell Master Windu she was merely lacking sleep.

Ever since she had been slightly dreading the day she had to break the news to Anakin. Her husband had been gone for three months on a mission, and now she was pacing the halls like a madman as she awaited his soon arrival.

A part of Carina dearly missed Ahsoka, wishing she had the girl at her side to calm her down especially with her snarky comments.

Ahsoka always accompanied Carina with plenty of her missions and duties, the young girl was never Carina's padawan, but the brunette cared and protected her as her own.

The universe was a cruel and unfair place, having unjust fates for those who did not deserve it.

Padme halted in her steps as she caught sight of her friend nervously chewing her lip whilst fumbling with her hands. The Senator blinked before beginning to make her way towards the brunette, "Ina? Are you alright?"

Carina slightly jumped at her friends sudden call, turning to face Padme as she nodded, "Oh, yes. I'm just waiting for General Kenobi and Skywalker to report with them to the council."

Padme gave her friend a smile, "You heard the rumors, didn't you?"

Carina shuffled on her feet, "Rumors?"

"Anakin and Obi-Wan are okay, I'm sure of it. You don't need to stress yourself over that."

Carina suddenly remembered the rumors that had spread around that Anakin had been killed, but the brunette knew her husband hadn't been taken down that easily. She could still feel him, so she knew he was alright.

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