chapter forty-six

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❝ do you trust me? ❞

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❝ do you trust me? ❞

CARINA HELD AN irritated glint in her eyes as the Falcon continued lurching from side to side as Chewbacca and Han rushed over the control panels.

The Wookiee let out a distressed howl as Solo quickly responded, "I saw them, I saw them." Leia pulled her brows together as she leaned forward in her seat, "Saw what?"

"Star Destroyers, two of them, coming right at us."

Carina ran her hands through her hair as 3PO tumbled his way into the cockpit, "Sir, sir, might I suggest—" but the droid couldn't continue as Han cut him off while looking directly at Carina, "Shut him up or shut him down."

Algora narrowed her eyes at him, "I'll happily shut you up." Han gave the brunette a look before turning his attention over towards Chewie, "Check the deflector shield."

The Wookiee barked a reply as he readjusted an overhead switch. Han scanned his eyes over the controls, "Oh, great.  Well, we can still outmaneuver them."

Carina leaned back in her seat as Solo dove down, trying to get rid of the fighters on their tail. Han flipped a switch, "Prepare to jump to lightspeed."

3PO pressed his urgent concern, "But sir!"

"They're getting closer." Leia spoke to the pilot who grinned at her, "Oh yeah?  Watch this." Han pulled a lever, expecting them to move at the speed of light but instead, they merely stayed stationed there.

The princess blinked, "Watch what?"

"We might be in trouble."

Carina let out a heavy breath as 3PO finally got his sentence out, "If I may say so, sir, I noticed earlier that the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged.  It's impossible to go to light-speed."

Han pressed his lips firmly together, "We're in trouble." The male stood from his seat before treading into the back of the ship before followed shortly by Chewbacca.

Carina shook her head slightly, "I would've taken my chances down below." Leia shuffled back in her seat, "He's gonna kill us."

"Oh, I'm betting on it."

Carina narrowed her eyes out the window as hundreds of asteroids began rushing towards them. The mother muttered a curse as a small one hit them, making the aircraft rumble violently.

Han and Chewbacca quickly rushed back into the cockpit as they took their seats.


"Oh, no. Chewie, set two-seven-one."

Leia gazed at the male, "What are you doing?  You're not actually going into an asteroid field?"

Han laughed lightly, "They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they?" Leia snapped her attention over to Carina who looked completely calm, "You're not gonna advise against this?"

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