chapter eight

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❝ i have the habit of needing to prove someone wrong,
just to embarrass them.  ❞

CARINA GAZED AROUND THE nightclub as Anakin watched his master approach them, "Do you see him?"

Anakin pursed his lips, "I think he's a she... and I think she's a changeling."

Carina rolled her shoulders back as she kept her complete focus on the crowd, "Well, this should make things more interesting."

Obi-Wan nodded before taking a step towards the bar, "Be extra careful then." Anakin tilted his head in confusion as the Jedi turned to leave, "Where are you going, Master?"

"To get a drink."

The young padawan blinked in surprise as Carina began to make her way across the room, examining everyone her eyes landed on.

Carina passed the bar where Obi-Wan was sat, she abruptly stopped, turning her head ever so slightly as she looked at the other side of the pub. She narrowed her eyes as her gaze landed on a figure approaching the Jedi Master from behind.

Before Carina could react, Obi-Wan was on his feet slicing his saber through the air. Screams and gasps erupted through the club and the Jedi Knight was quick to join Kenobi's side as Anakin yelled, "Easy, official business. Go back to your drinks."

Carina clicked her tongue as she gazed at the changeling cradling her cut off hand, Carina and Anakin moved to carry Zam out of the club before setting her down on the ground just by the entrance.

The changeling glared hatefully at the Jedi's as Carina narrowed her eyes, "Quite an attempt on a Senators life. Who hired you?"

Zam stayed completely quiet to which the Jedi Knight began to apply semi pressure to her wound, making the creature wince, "I don't like having to repeat myself."

"It was just a job." she rasped out. Carina gripped her wrist even tighter, "Not the answer I was looking for."

Zam grit her teeth in pain as she scowled at the twenty-year old, "That Senator's gonna die soon anyway, and the next one won't make the same mistake I did."

Carina let out a bitter chuckle, "You really don't like helping yourself."

The creature breathed heavily before speaking, "It was a bounty hunter called—" but before she could continue, a dart shot right past Carina and hit the changeling in the neck. Zam twitched for a moment, blinking in surprise before going limp.

The Jedi's glanced back to see an armoured rocket-man take off into the sky from the roof of a building, Carina clicked her tongue in annoyance, "Well, that's just rutting great."

Obi-Wan pulled out a small, wicked looking dart, "Toxic dart."

Carina voided her face of any emotion as she stood before Jedi council, Anakin and Obi-Wan stood on either sides of the girl as they had just informed the council of the bounty hunter.

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