chapter forty-eight

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❝ you hurt me in ways you'd once promisedyou never would

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❝ you hurt me in ways you'd once promised
you never would. ❞

"NO, I don't have a landing permit.  I'm trying to reach Lando Calrissian." Han spoke into his transmitter as they soared through the clouds. Carina anxiously chewed on her lower lip, she didn't have a good feeling about anything to come.

More disruptions were made as they caused the Falcon to rattle roughly, "Whoa! Wait a minute! Let me explain."

"You will not deviate from your present course."

C-3PO glanced over at Carina, "Rather touchy, aren't they?" Leia narrowed her eyes slightly at Han, her voice slightly edged as she spoke, "I thought you knew this person?"

Chewbacca barked a response directed at Solo, who merely swallowed thickly, "Well, that was a long time ago. I'm sure he's forgotten about that."

Leia gave the male an incredulous look while Carina began to slightly bounce her leg up and down, the closer they got to their destination the more nerves wracked through her.

"Permission granted to land on Platform Three-two-seven."

"Thank you."

Han switched off his transmitter before licking his lips, "There's nothing to worry about. We go way back, Lando and me." Leia gave Solo an unconvinced look, "Who's worried?"

Carina took a deep breath as Han steered the aircraft down onto their designated platform, landing safely before shutting down the Falcon.

Leia stood from her seat before beginning to make her way off the ship with Chewbacca and Han. 3PO gazed intently at Algora, who was still unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Everything alright, Miss?"

Carina mustered up a half smile for the droid, "Yes, just fine."

The duo treaded down the open ramp to see Han greeting a shorter male, Carina stepped into her daughters side. Leia glanced up at the brunette, pursing her lips as she noticed the hidden worry shining in her eyes.

"How you doing, you old pirate? So good to see you. I never thought I'd catch up with you again. Where you been?"

Carina narrowed her eyes at the unknown male, he was nervous, scared, and guilty. The brunette glanced around, countless thoughts wandering her mind. Algora clenched her jaw slightly, she couldn't exactly feel Vader's presence very near, but he wasn't very far either.

The mother didn't understand, she'd seen his cruiser jump into lightspeed, so why did he still linger in her thoughts?

Lando glanced over at Carina, swallowing nervously as he noticed a cautious expression plastered onto her features.

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