chapter sixty-three

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❝ i say we trust him. ❞


A SOFT GROAN LEFT carina's parted lips, stirring slightly before her eyes began to open slowly— carefully adjusting to the bright light.

Algora noticed she was still in Vader's chamber, now realizing she had fallen asleep during her time there.

She cautiously glanced around, her eyes falling upon the Sith who seemed to be putting his casque back on.

Her body stilled, her breathing quieting as she saw a glimpse of the blonde curls she once raked her hands through.

The sight caught her off guard, her chest tightening while an awfully familiar sensation settled within her. Her mind went through a short frenzy at that very moment before she calmed herself.

Algora glanced down at her hands, the small bubble of hope creeping it's way into her mind that maybe— just maybe the man she once knew was buried under all the years of lies, manipulation, and anger.

She pushed away the thought one too many times, her stubbornness overriding all else.

For awhile, she wanted to believe her husband was dead. Gone and never to be seen again. Though, she knew she only wished that because if she ever saw a sign, a sliver of a chance that he was still there— she would do whatever she could to pull him back.

Carina always mentally battled the immense love she held for those dear to her, it was one of her greatest faults in her eyes. She would always be around to help the people she cared about.

Shuffling pulled the mother out of her thoughts, perking her head up to see Vader rising from his seat before turning his attention towards her.

"Staring, are you?"

Carina could hear the slight lightness in his tone and narrowed her eyes before muttering under her breath, "Hardly."

The brunette finally moved to rise from her place, stretching a bit as she did so. Vader watched his wife for a second longer, his blue eyes tracing every expression Carina wore.

The man was snapped out of his trance when she hissed quietly, his brows furrowing in concern before he carefully spoke, his voice modulator off, "Are you alright?"

Carina blinked, ignoring the sharp pain the embedded itself into her mind. The mother straightened up, "Yeah."

Vader narrowed his eyes, feeling the shift in her force signature. He turned around to begin waking towards the chamber doors when he stopped to speak, "Let's go."

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