chapter thirty-six

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❝ i was a little more reckless when i wasyour age

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❝ i was a little more reckless when i was
your age. ❞

CARINA ATTEMPTED TO STEADY herself on her seat as the ship continued to lurch towards the sides. The brunette's gaze went over to her daughter that was by Haja's side on the floor.

Carina turned her attention over to Kenobi, "Obi-Wan, if whatever you're feeling, any eerie sensations— anything is regarding my son, you are going to tell me." The Jedi lowered his head slightly, "I don't know, Carina. My connection isn't as strong at the moment, all that happened is I thought of Luke."

Carina ran a hand over her face as she began to feel uneasy, "I am on a ship in the middle of nowhere with the Empire right on our tail with absolute no way to get to Tatooine to check on Luke, so please, at least give me something to keep my mind at ease."

Obi-Wan gave the mother a sympathetic look but was unable to respond as Roken stepped into view, "Hyperdrive's almost ready. Move all power to the rear shields. We'll head for Tessen. Get you out from there."

Carina narrowed her eyes slightly as she and Kenobi stood from their seats to approach Roken who had a devastated expression set on his face. Another hit was made to the aircraft as it slightly shook.

Obi-Wan pursed his lips, "We're not gonna make it to Tessen, are we?" The male let out a soft sigh, "Motivator's shot. Power couplings are bad. I'm workin' on it, but those shields won't last forever."

Carina licked her dried lips as second explosion could be heard, "How much time are you gonna need?"

A grim look settled upon Roken's face, "More than me have. Only thing we got going for us is they're pulling back their gunfire."

Obi-Wan glanced over at Carina, knowing exactly why they hadn't shot down the ship yet. The mother closed her eyes as she lowered her head to face the floor beneath them.

The brunette abruptly turned on her heel before her eyes began scanning through the crowded room, families sat together as they flinched every time the ship rumbled. A soft frown embedded itself onto her lips before her gaze landed on Leia, who was comforting a mother and son with Lola.

The princess glanced back at the woman and slid down from her seat before beginning to approach Carina who crouched down to meet her height. Leia glanced down at Lola who was in her palm, "They're scared. She keeps their mind off of it."

Carina mustered up a small smile for her youngest, "You mind if I borrow her too?"

Leia realized what she had meant, Carina was scared. The princess pursed her lips before wrapping her arms around the brunette's neck to engulf her in an embrace.

Carina was slightly caught off guard by the sudden embrace, a sense of deja vu slightly hitting her before she returned her daughters hug.

Obi-Wan stood a few feet away watching the two girls, an endearing glint caressing his gaze. The male let out a soft breath, "Carina."

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