chapter forty-five

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❝ you think too highly of yourself

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❝ you think too highly of yourself. ❞

CARINA CROSSED HER ARMS over her chest, a stern expression decorating her features as she gazed intently at her son, who was sitting upright on the recovery room bed.

Multiple stitched wounds caressing his face as he shrunk slightly under Carina's slight glare. The mother shook her head, "For the love of stars, next time— stay alert of your surroundings."

Luke clasped his hands together on his lap, "It caught me off guard." Carina narrowed her eyes slightly, "Exactly, you were supposed to sense it coming your way." Luke looked a bit taken back from the woman's tone of voice.

The brunette immediately regretted raising her voice at him, running her hands over her face, "I— I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my tone."

Luke gave the brunette a look, "No, you're right. I should've used what you've spent time teaching me."

Carina breathed softly, the only reason she was training Luke was so that he could defend and protect himself. Obi-Wan had been right, the blonde needed to know how to fight.

"I don't want to see you getting hurt, Luke."

Young Skywalker smiled softly at her, after the battle on Yavin, Carina had grown more protective of him. Luke treasured the woman, feeling as she was the closest he'd ever get to feeling motherly love. A part of him wished Carina could be his mother, he longed for nothing more.

Luke gave the woman a solid nod, "I'll try harder on my connection with the force." Carina's gaze softened slightly, "You're a strong kid."

Their conversation was cut short as 3PO and R2 rolled into the room, the golden droid already speaking, "Master Luke, sir, it's so good to see you fully functional again." The R2 unit let out a whir of beeps, to which 3PO translated for the blonde, "R2 expresses his relief also."

Just then, Chewbacca and Han stepped into the recovery room. Solo was quick to speak as the Wookiee growled slightly, "How are you feeling, kid?  You don't look so bad to me.  In fact, you look strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark."

Han turned towards Carina, "Brought him back in one piece." the male turned back towards the blonde, "That's two you owe me, junior."

Carina turned to glance at her daughter that stepped into the room just as Solo began speaking to her with a devilish grin gracing his lips, "Well your Worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer."

Leia gave the man an absurd look, "I had nothing to do with it.  General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy shield."

A smug glint shone in Solo's eyes, "That's a good story.  I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight."

Carina rolled her eyes at him as her daughter scoffed out, "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain."

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