chapter forty-one

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❝ you're father once had his own apprentice

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❝ you're father once had his own apprentice. ❞

CARINA TIGHTENED HER GRIP on the blaster in her grasp as she walked beside Luke with Chewie treading between them. The brunette spared Han a look as they continued down the halls before a small droid rolled towards them but halted as the Wookiee let out a growl directed at the machine that quickly turned its course.

The group came upon the elevators and Luke cautiously glanced around as Imperial officers walked past them, not having a clue as to what was going on. Carina watched the two boys attempt to blend in and mentally shook her head at their acting.

The elevator doors slide opened before them, moving slightly to allow a officer step out before the group of four stepped in before hitting the level they were heading for.

Carina let a sigh escape her lips as Luke whispered, "I can't see a thing in this." The blonde Skywalker went to remove the bindings on Chewbacca as Han huffed, "This is not going to work."

Carina glanced over at the male's direction, "I don't remember asking for your input and last I checked I didn't force you to come, I said Luke and I could have handled this on our own."

"I highly doubt that."

"You have no idea what I've done on my own."

Before the conversation could escalate the elevator doors suddenly slid open and the group cautiously stepped out to see a rather grim looking officer staring right at them, his eyes lingering on Chewie longer, "Where are you taking this... thing?"

Luke raised his head slightly, "Prisoner transfer from Block one-one-three-eight."

Uncertainty shone in the officers eyes, "I wasn't notified. I'll have to clear it." The male began to reach for the control panels, making Carina's hand twitch in anticipation as she inched closer to the lightsaber hanging on her utility belt.

The Imperial officers gestured over to the two stormtroopers, making them tread over to the group in response and Chewie was quick to react as he walked one soldier away before Han began shouting, "Look out! He's loose!"

"He's going to pull us all apart."

Carina rolled her eyes before slipping her weapon into her grasp before igniting it, smiling slightly as ember met her line of sight before she began spinning the saber as the troopers fired at her.

Carina cursed the suit she was currently in as she wasn't as agile because of it. Han and Luke back at the girl up as they shot down the officer before taking out the security cameras filming from above.

Carina spun on her heel before stabbing her saber into the troopers chest before watching them plummet to the ground, slashing her weapon to her side to hit the other soldiers chest. The mother straightened up before shutting off her weapon to look over at the two boys who were already watching her.

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