chapter fourteen

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❝ the past is a heavy burden ❞

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❝ the past is a heavy burden ❞

WHITE WAS THE FIRST thing in Carina's sight as she slowly peered open her eyes, gazing up at the ceiling before blinking a few times to adjust to the bright lighting.

The Jedi Knight slowly began to pull herself upright, wincing slightly at the feeling of her head pounding as a slight ringing went off in her ears. She let out a soft groan, placing her fingertips to her brow bone, pausing for a moment as she felt a slight indent.

The brunette shuffled on the bed as everything flushed back into her mind, the fight with Dooku, Obi-Wan getting injured, her losing control of her emotions, and Anakin losing his arm. Carina's train of thought was disturbed as the door to her bedroom suddenly creaked open, the girl glanced up to see Anakin peeking his head in, eyes brightening up at the sight of her finally awake.

Carina clasped her hands together as the padawan strode into the room, taking a seat on the edge of the girls bed as concern laced his expression before he gently spoke, "How're you feeling?"

Carina tilted her head at the question as she averted her eyes to look down at the boys bandaged arm, "Me? What about you?"

Anakin gazed at his injury and shrugged in response, "I'll have the lost half of my arm back, I'm getting a mechanical one to be attached to me." Carina's lips made an O shape as she nodded in understanding, guilt flashing through her eyes as a frown tugged on her lips. Anakin caught of the act and firmly pursed his lips, "Don't."

The Jedi Knight looked up at the blonde, confusion written across her features as he continued, "Don't even try and blame yourself for this. It wasn't your fault, no one's but Dooku's."

Carina's gaze fell to her white comforter, fumbling with her hands as she nibbled on her lower lip, "I just— feel like I could've done something to prevent it."

Anakin's eyes went to the scar forming on the brunette's brow bone, extending his hand out as he delicately traced the healed scar, "I know what you mean, I should've been stronger." his chest tightened as he realized he hadn't been able to keep the girl from harm, anger bubbling up inside of him as Carina leaned into his touch and Anakin's gaze immediately softened at the gesture.

Carina let out a soft sigh, "We really got our asses handed to." Anakin gave the girl a look as he tucked a loose curl behind her ear, "You were a second away from finishing him off, Carina. More like Master Obi-Wan and I got our asses handed to."

The Jedi Knight chuckled at the blonde's response before leaning back, stretching her arms out as she let out a yawn. Carina rubbed her left eye as Anakin intently watched her, having a mental battle whether or not to voice his thoughts.

Anakin swallowed thickly as he hesitantly spoke up, "Did... did you mean what you said the other day?"

Carina furrowed her brows, "The other day? Wait— I've been out for days?" An amused smile spread across the padawan's lips as he nodded, "Three days."

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